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  • Are you maintaining a work-life balance?

    Indu Thangamuthu
    16 replies
    Forget the rise of WFH or hybrid options... do you feel you maintain a balance?


    Phoebe Marshall
    Its a constant effort for me, but I'm working on it. Trying to set clear boundaries between work and personal time helps.
    Indu Thangamuthu
    @phoebe_marshall Indeed... setting boundaries and following them would help a lot
    Gene M Carter
    I definitely try to maintain a work-life balance, but it’s always a work in progress.
    Indu Thangamuthu
    @rocky_champ I think it's better to have it in WIP mode....meaning you are accommodating yourself to the daily changes or unexpected changes in life. In the long run... this WIP would def. give you a peaceful life. Being flexi while we can, is good, i would say.
    Madhu Kumari
    It’s a constant effort to find the right balance. I’m interested in hearing how others manage it. Any advice?
    Indu Thangamuthu
    @madhu_kumari_ Indeed...sometimes, finding that right balance feels like a never-ending journey. 😟 People do succeed in achieving it and the first point I heard from them is "prioritize yourself and self-care, maintain clear boundaries". Prioritizing you doesn't mean you are selfish and also.... you should be flexible enough as life evolves.
    Jesse T. Glover
    I’m looking forward to spending the last summer days outdoors, maybe having a few picnics and barbecues with friends. What about you?
    Indu Thangamuthu
    @jesse_t_glover Sounds cool and awesome to hear... 🤩 Make great memories!!!💃 As of me.... My work-life balance is 95- 5 ratio (the 5 being the necessary daily chores like brushing, eating, sleeping...) 😂
    Rock Turner
    Balancing work and life is a struggle. I’m working on improving it by scheduling dedicated downtime and setting boundaries.
    Indu Thangamuthu
    @rock_turner Great...for start, it might feel that way...but once we get used to the practice, the balance will come naturally. Keep working on it... 🐱‍🏍
    Umar Aziz
    Its a bit of a juggling act. I’m making progress by being mindful of my work hours and ensuring I have time for personal life.
    Indu Thangamuthu
    @umar_aziz_ Good! That's nice to hear... focusing on work while at work and focusing on personal care while free itself is a better work-life balance
    Cheryle Veltri
    I am trying to mantain my working life
    Indu Thangamuthu
    @cheryle_veltri That's good... how close you are in achieving it?
    Michael Bennett
    I try to maintain work-life balance but it can be tough sometimes! What helps me is setting clear boundaries - like not checking email after a certain time, taking lunch breaks away from my desk, and scheduling in personal time for hobbies/family/exercise just like I would a work meeting. It's a constant juggling act but those things help me avoid burnout. Curious what's worked for others!
    Indu Thangamuthu
    @michaelbennett Maintaining a work-life balance can definitely be challenging! It's great that you set clear boundaries and prioritize personal time like you would a meeting. Same level of curiosity on what's working for others 😄 It's all about what works best for you!