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  • Are you more or less productive on Fridays?

    Andres Rosas Sanchez
    19 replies
    Fridays can be a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to productivity. Some people find themselves winding down and looking forward to the weekend, while others get a burst of energy to finish the week strong. How about you? Are Fridays your most productive day or do you find it harder to stay focused? Let’s discuss!


    For me,, Fridays can be a mixed bag. I’m usually focused in the morning but lose steam by the afternoon. Does anyone else feel the same?
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    @fr_edd_i Yup. Sometimes I also feel this way. :D
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    some fridays for me are very productive but sometimes I feel like I am just running out the clock.
    thina samin
    Friday feels like a reward after a long weekend
    Ishan Shah
    Fridays are either productive or are gone while staring at the clock, there is no in between
    Andres Rosas Sanchez
    @ishan_shah11 I totally get that! Fridays are either super productive or just a countdown to the weekend. There’s no in-between, right? Do you usually power through tasks or just end up watching the clock?
    Jacob Henry
    I'm a bit of procrastinator, so friday can be struggle
    Benedicta Anita
    less productive to prepare for the weekend
    Destiny Jeremiah
    I find Fridays a bit tricky. Sometimes I’m super productive, and other times I just want to start the weekend early.
    Lamont Justus
    For me Fridays are great for wrapping up loose ends and planning for the week ahead.
    elzabith co
    Less productive
    Peter Henry
    I just want to relax
    It depends on situation. I tend to get distracted on Fridays, so my productivity can vary.
    Michelle Grammer
    I find Fridays to be a bit of both! Sometimes the weekend ahead is a great motivator to wrap things up efficiently, but other times, it’s easy to lose focus as the week winds down https://www.competitivewoodcraft.com/. How do you stay motivated on Fridays.
    Casiana Rajas
    I actually get a lot done on Fridays There’s something about the approaching weekend that drives me to complete everything efficiently.
    Amalio Lanter
    I use Fridays to tie up loose ends. It’s my day to make sure everything is squared away before the weekend.
    Mark Martinez
    I find that my Friday productivity varies. Some Fridays I'm super focused and crank through my to-do list, while other times I struggle to stay motivated as the weekend approaches. I think it depends on my workload, meetings, and energy levels that particular week. I try to front-load important tasks earlier in the week so Fridays can be more flexible. Curious to hear others' Friday work strategies!
    Nicholas Ryan Carter
    Fridays for me tend to be slower - don't want to start anything too involved before the weekend. Great for meetings, finishing up tasks, and planning for the next week though. So while my raw output may be a bit less, Fridays can still be 'productive' in a big picture sense.
    Samuel David Foster
    For me, it depends on my workload that week. If I have a lot of tasks to wrap up before the weekend, I'm super productive on Fridays trying to get it all done. But if things are slower, I tend to mentally check out a bit and productivity drops. I try to always save some easier tasks for Fridays regardless, so even if I'm in weekend mode I can still check some things off the list and end the week on a good note.