Are you really generating good business revenue after launching your product on Product Hunt?

Rohit Joshi
5 replies


Hazel Victoria Ashworth
We've had some revenue growth since launching on Product Hunt but nothing crazy yet. I think the key is leveraging the initial spike in traffic and interest to build longer-term traction through content marketing, SEO, building partnerships, etc. Curious to hear others' experiences though - anyone have big revenue successes post-PH launch?
Liam Xavier Callahan
We launched on PH last year and saw a nice initial surge in signups, but it takes consistent marketing efforts to keep that momentum going and convert free users to paid plans. PH is a great launchpad but just one part of an ongoing growth strategy. Curious what others have experienced?
Max Shearer
Well I'm currently making next to nothing after going live about a month ago and I'm launching here tomorrow so that could be a good yard stick. I'll let you know in a week's time!
Rohit Joshi
@shearer Best of luck with your launch tomorrow. I am looking forward to hearing how it goes in a week.