Are you using Alfred App for Mac OS?

Matthys Ducrocq
5 replies
Are you using Alfred App for Mac OS?


David Leuliette
I am using it daily, it's a fantastic tool that improves my productivity for sure!
Anil Meena
@flexbox I didnt know about Alfred, can explain a bit more about how do you use it to improve your productivity??
David Leuliette
@anil_meena21 I made a video about it.
it's in french but you can activate the subs —slide are in english
Ng Fang Kiang
Tried it but prefer the native "Spotlight" search
Lourdes Perdon
This is a great feature. I have some problems with my Mac, but I hope there are no situations without a way out. Last time I came back from Maldives, I lost all of my pictures. The reason I am still guessing. But that I found, coped with the problem well. They explained how I could restore my photos and it worked! So I just need to keep calm and make my photo library great again.