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  • Are you willing to try my application?

    Malisha Creancy
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    It's an eSignature application that allows you to place your signature on the documents electronically and will make your signed document super safe. How? Tamper-Proof: Once you add an eSignature to a document, it’s locked in. If anyone tries to mess with the document after you’ve signed it, the signature becomes invalid, so you’ll know something’s up. Digital Trail: It keeps a detailed record of the signing process—like a mini-movie of who signed, when, and many other information that you may need. This makes it nearly impossible for someone to fake a signature or alter the signing process. Super Secure: eSigned documents are encrypted, meaning they’re locked away securely. Only people with permission can access the document, and even then, they can’t tamper with it. Would you like to give it a try!? It's Evia Sign
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