As a side project, I'm currently building a service that creates websites to promote mobile apps
sanghyeon kim (sanghyeon)
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As a side project, I'm currently building a service that creates websites to promote mobile apps. While developing apps, I wanted to have a simple website for SEO purposes (I also needed a privacy policy and terms page), but traditional website builders require more time investment than I expected. That's why I created this service. My target audience is people like me who are developing an app and want to have a website, but want to minimize the time investment for a website. Here's what I've come up with as a page layout.
-privacy policy
And in the footer there will be a link to the privacy policy, terms, and a social media address or email to contact you.
I was wondering what information you would like to see on the landing page for your app, so I'm basically going to show the app store and google play buttons with dynamic links on mobile and a QR code with dynamic links on desktop so that people can scan it and go to mobile naturally.
Any feedback would be great, thanks.
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