Simon Sovič

As an entrepreneur you should chase what excites you

I believe that true success for Entrepreneurs lies in pursuing what excites you. Here's what I mean. When we focus on doing what genuinely excites us, we achieve more with less effort and find deeper fulfillment. It's not about working tirelessly; it's about working purposefully. Many of us fall into the trap of doing things for the sake of being busy, but what if we distributed our energy more wisely? Imagine taking mini-retirements throughout life to recharge and explore new adventures. It’s not about inactivity; it’s about re-engaging with our passions. Think about your daily routine. Are you spending time on things that truly matter? Or just shuffling papers and going through the motions? We often neglect our dreams and hobbies, letting them fade away. But what if we revived them? The goal is to not just eliminate the bad but to actively pursue the best experiences life has to offer.

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Gurkaran Singh
Absolutely! It's like coding a program that truly sparks joy - the results are not just efficient but also immensely satisfying. Time to let our passions drive our entrepreneurial journey!
Emma Preston
Chasing what excites you keeps you motivated during tough times. It's easier to overcome obstacles when you're genuinely passionate about your mission.
Simon Sovič
@preston_ivy Couldn't agree more! Passion makes it so much easier to push through challenges and stay motivated.
Swarup Gourkar
Launching soon!
It's not just for entrepreneurs; it's for everyone. If you don't chase what excites you, eventually you will lose interest. People say we should chase something that keeps us up all night, but I think we should chase something that excites us every morning we wake up and go back to sleep every night with satisfaction.
Simon Sovič
@swarup_gourkar You're right, it’s so important for all of us to pursue what excites us. Starting each day with passion and ending it with satisfaction is the key to staying motivated and fulfilled.
Kostya Bolshukhin
100% agree The only reason i din't quit when it got tough — is the love for the product and problem we solve.
Simon Sovič
@kostyabolsh Definitely! Loving what you do really keeps you going through the tough times. It's all about that passion!
Thomas Jackson
Absolutely, pursuing your passions is key as an entrepreneur. When you're genuinely excited about what you're doing, that energy and drive propels you further. It's not about grinding endlessly, but about working with purpose and regularly recharging by engaging in what you love. I think we could all benefit from taking more 'mini-retirements' to explore, learn and rediscover what lights us up. AI tools like GPT models can actually help free up time and mental bandwidth to focus more on the work and experiences that truly matter to us. The key is using tech intentionally to enable the lifestyle and impact we want to have.
Sebastian Cole Ashford
Absolutely, pursuing what genuinely excites you is key to fulfillment as an entrepreneur. It's not just about eliminating the drudgery, but actively seeking out the most meaningful and engaging experiences. When you focus your energy on your true passions, work becomes more effortless and purposeful. And taking deliberate breaks to recharge and explore new adventures can reignite that excitement. The goal is crafting a life optimized around what matters most to you.