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    Isaak Smart
    14 replies
    Hey, I'm Isaak and I'm currently working on Idearify which allows people to create, discover, collaborate and share ideas with images, videos, website urls and more across any topic! It's time to get your ideas out into the world and turn them into reality! And the best part? You can try it for yourself very soon when we officially launch on Product Hunt! But before then, let's chat about all things ideas, proof of ownership, collaboration and beyond. I am here to answer any and all of your questions. So fire away! ๐Ÿš€


    Can you share more about how multimedia elements like images and videos will be integrated into ideas? I'm interested in how visual storytelling will play a role.
    Isaak Smart
    @najish Similar to how other apps let you post content, Idearify will work in a similar way. Users will be able to attach images, videos and provide a title and description of the idea as well as an optional web link.
    Hello, I'm very interested in the product you mentioned. Could you reveal the approximate release time? Or is it possible to experience a demo now? My question is, how does this product filter content by age restrictions?
    Isaak Smart
    @all_appp_games So, we don't have a definitive release date yet but it will be quite soon. You can see the app in action by visiting our website: https://idearify.com . The plan is to filter content for explicit information and not by age using our bespoke content filtering system.
    Puja sharma
    What inspired you to create Idearify? Iโ€™d 'd love to know what gap youโ€™re aiming to fill with this platform.
    Isaak Smart
    @puja_sharma11 so our initial market research showed that the main of the players in the content creation space were focused on creating content for the general creative and not specifically for idea discovery. The closest competitor in this space is Pinterest. However, where we differ from them is the collaboration, idea safeguarding and eventual monetization of ideas.
    Sandeep Kumar
    How soon can we start using Idearify? I'm excited to seee how it works in action!
    Isaak Smart
    @sandeep_kumar_ We don't have a definitive dates yet, but I can tell you the MVP has been built. You can sign up and be one of the first to get early access here: https://idearify.com
    Enyi Bassey
    How will you handle the potential for idea theft on the platform? It's something that always concerns me when sharing creative work.
    Isaak Smart
    @enyi_bassey absolutely, so we have a 'proof of ownership' feature, which allows creators to optionally attach documentation that supports thier idea. This attachment then gets verified by our internal team and once approved, gets a special icon on the idea telling other users that this idea has genuine ownership by the creator.
    Ishaq Oyiza
    Whatโ€™s the process like for discovering ideas on Idearify? Iโ€™m always on the lookout for creative inspiration.
    Isaak Smart
    @ishaq_oyiza ideas a brought back from the community in a paginated list. They can be categorised and filtered by user.
    Idris Galadima
    I'm interested in how collaboration will be handled on Idearify. Will there be tools to help manage projects as they evolve?
    Isaak Smart
    @galadima_idris currently we have a feature that when a user interacts with it, interest in an idea is expressed and your details are privately shared with the content creator.