Best SEO tools?

9 replies


Wassim 🐨
I use Ahrefs for keywords + Google Search Console PS: I'm building an SEO tool that helps you index pages faster on Google (
Roland Marlow
ahref is probably my favorite/the best IMO. Someone I follow on Twitter just created which I have found to be pretty cool so far.
Jaroslaw Pidburskyj 🇮🇹Ï🇺🇦SEO
Free ones, indexed a page yesterday and main image shows up within 6 hours of launch. Next time will check each hourly to find out exactly when it becomes live and they say there are no shortcuts using clean white hat. This was my third page within 4-6 weeks. Don’t listen to Google, they have been lying for years
Gevorg Nazaryan
1. First of all Google search console - must to use. 2. Ahrefs or Semrush (I use Ahrefs) 3. If your website is on wordpress, AIO SEO is a good tool for content SEO. 4. Chat GPT for content writers' support. 5. Fiver freelancers for link building (be careful with this to choose the right person to work with)
Elena Tsemirava
As for me, it's Semrush
Google Tools and Mangools Suite
Swati Thampi
Semrush and Ahrefs