Best tech (& AI) podcasts out there?

Martina Hackbartt
4 replies
Hey, hunters! I like listening to podcasts while taking my daily walks, but with so many podcasts out there, it's becoming difficult for me to find ones I like. The ones that appear 1st on Spotify are usually really rigid and structured, and I'm looking for something informative but casual, easy to listen to. Any recs?


Susan Moeller
Neal Schaffer has done two Episodes on AI for small biz
Matthew Ritchie
I find 'Hard Fork' (hosted by NYTimes writers Kevin Roose and Casey Newton) to be one of the funniest and most informative tech podcasts:
Anastasiia Protsykevych
I like this one: https://www.thetalkingmachines.c.... It's an insightful discussions of industry news (ML, AI, etc.). And it lasts up to 40 minutes. I will also recommend listening to the podcast that I work on in the company - JSP Coffee Podcast:
soulmonsta L
Just looked through or AI Library and found two good ones: 1. I'd recommend The Gradient: 2. AI Studios – about creativity in Generative AI ep.01 freshly released, but you migth wanna give it a try!