Best up-to-date PH Launch guides/playbooks to follow in 2023?

Sjoerd Handgraaf
21 replies


Karthik Tatikonda
Thanks for adding our LaunchPedia guide @sjoerdhandgraaf πŸ€—
Olena Bomko
I created a new guide/checklist in Notion (You can write 0 as a price):
Hi Sjoerd. I've been watching PH launches in the past month. Just yesterday I wrote down my conclusion and observation on Twitter. For some reason PH is blocking me from sharing the link directly, Sorry about this but please go to my PH profile and find the link that reads "Product Hunt launch checklist". When are you launching?
@sjoerdhandgraaf I've followed you here on PH. I'll be there on your launch day to lend you support, unless you make a really terrible product lol πŸ˜‚
Stefan Wirth
Good stuff. Probably too late for tomorrow but will do my best anyway hehe
Fabian Maume
There was few recent updates to Product hunt: The order of products on the home page is randomized for the first 4 hours. => that make the 1st hour less critical The product hub feature is gaining more and more importance. => that simplify relaunch. You can check out my PH template here:
Jaxon Smith
I've read the article you shared on how to succeed on Product Hunt. While it provides some valuable insights, the landscape may have evolved. I'd recommend supplementing it with the latest information from recent Product Hunt successes and community discussions for the most up-to-date strategies.
Super collections, Thanks Man ( :