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  • Biggest challenge while building a new product?

    Emma Ning
    16 replies


    Shameka Fabros
    Navigating unexpected technical issues can be tough. Making sure the product works flawlessly often takes more time than I initially planned.
    Marc-Oliver Gewaltig
    The biggest challenge is to build something AFTER you have validated the ideas with the prospective end-user. What sounds good in practice does often not have a market. So start pitching your idea with potential end-users BEFORE building anything.
    Edward Moore
    I find that anticipating user needs and preferences can be quite challenging. Building a new product requires a deep understanding of the target audience.
    Ethan Cole Blackwood
    For sure, validating your idea with target users before building is key. I'd also say managing feature creep is a big challenge. It's tempting to keep adding stuff, but better to ruthlessly prioritize the core functionality that delivers value. Launch lean, then iterate based on real user feedback. Easier said than done though!
    Yunusa Abdullahi
    Finding the right market fit is often difficult. I need to understand my target audience and ensure the product meets their needs.
    Justice Ojoka
    Building a strong team can be challenging. Aligning everyone with the product vision and ensuring good teamwork impacts the project’s success.
    Chioma Nzomiwu
    Staying ahead of the competition is a constant challenge. Keeping up with trends and ensuring the product remains relevant requires ongoing effort.
    Nathan Luke
    The biggest challenge is usually figuring out what users really want.
    Ibrahim yasir Suleiman
    The first biggest challenge is market analysis. A founder should analysis the demand of market before building the tool.
    Ramish Saje
    The biggest challenged for me is staying focused on the core features. It’s easy to get carried away with adding extras, but it’s important to keep it simple.
    Renly Borris
    I find it tough to balance speed with quality. Rushing to launch can lead to mistakes, but taking too long might mean missing the market window.
    Sharon Owens
    One of the hardest parts is dealing with uncertainty. You never really know how the market will react until you launch, and that unpredictability can be stressful.
    Jermaine Lafond
    The biggest challenge while building a new product is balancing innovation with user needs. It involves gathering feedback, iterating constantly, and ensuring the final product truly solves a problem. Keeping the team motivated and aligned helps a lot too!
    Desire Waterman
    Balancing user needs with what’s technically feasible is a challenge. Meeting expectations while sticking to budget and timeline is tricky.
    Aquiles Byars
    Getting users to add adopt a new product is hard. It takes a lot of effort to convince them to switch and integrate it into their routines.
    Addau Rabiu
    Validating your idea with potential customers early and often is crucial to avoid building something nobody wants.