🚀 Blast Off To Books Paradise

Nihal Kothiyal
5 replies
⚡️ Introducing ReadHive ⚡️ an exciting website that redefines the way you discover books.. no more feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of books out there. we filter through hundreds of books to pick only those that are genuinely worth reading https://readhive.webflow.io learn more about it: https://link.medium.com/iZR8vMqYYBb P.S. thank you @ammanahalfian for the early feedback, especially about navigation, the overall design, and the clarity of the content. Your suggestions helped me to make the website more user-friendly and easier to navigate. thank you again for your help!


Andrey Bozhjev
What an interesting project. Do you plan to do book clubs for those who want to discuss these books?
Andrey Bozhjev
@nihalkothiyal Discord is a suitable platform for online meetings and discussions in my opinion
Nihal Kothiyal
@andrey_bozhjev indeed.. I've a bunch of plans along with this one. where do you think I should create a community to discuss books? Telegram, discord etc.
Antoni Kozelski
i got the point perfectly! followed the link and quickly figured out how to find books of your preference, saving you time. Your only question is, are all of the featured books available exclusively on Amazon, or are there free options as well?