Books are not featured anymore?

Victor Ponamariov
3 replies
Previously I have launched 2 books, all of them were in top #5. Two weeks ago I asked support if it's still okay to launch a book, but I didn't get an answer (or missed it, might be). Now support says: "We have limited blog posts, articles, lists, directories, templates, lead magnet pages, and guides on the homepage based on community feedback". I can technically compare a guide to a book, but it's not very obvious. At the same time I got the same or even more upvotes and comments than products that are featured (and no, they are not bots, they are my community). So it's a bit weird, has PH changed so much recently? That's my second edition of my book (after 3 years, not that often I launch books)


Denis Danilov
Really, are books banned now? That's a bummer. I used to discover tons of great books on PH, from Refactoring UI to Generating Product Ideas.
Victor Ponamariov
@danilov_den, I know the author, and he's 100% has much better quality than me, but still - it's a book. Second edition, launched a month ago.
Victor Ponamariov
So technically my non-featured book is on 10th place amongst all products. Maybe I'll get to top-5, without being featured? :) Again, I got maybe 5-7 people trying to sell upvotes to me, all of the upvotes are from twitter/newsletter That's weird