Buffett Bot :)

Vik Raghavan
3 replies
Hi PH, I've been thinking about building a Buffett Bot - an AI/ML product that leverages Buffett's historical stock trades and the stock's financial performance during that time period to mimic future trades. Buffett isn't going to live forever, but his trading skills sure should. It'll focus on buy and hold since there are a lot of tax implications from selling stocks etc. Thoughts? Best wishes Vik


Sachin Sinha
Emerging Sales Leaders - SaaS
Vik, this sounds really interesting. Do you plan to build a country specific model as well because being from India I'm least interested in Buffet's stock trades.
Sachin Sinha
Emerging Sales Leaders - SaaS
@vikram_raghavan yeah agree option 2 could be more useful. Looking forward to how this shapes up. Happy to help in anyway that I can.
Vik Raghavan
@sacin13 Good point Sachin! I think the Bot could definitely be extended to India. Two ways to approach it: 1. Still use Buffett’s US trades to train the model and then apply them to Indian stocks (almost a what-if Buffett traded Indian stocks) 2. Train a different model to find winning stocks over multiple time periods and extend that model to look for winners personalized to that user’s desired investment duration (ex: 2 years) 1. sounds more interesting but 2. Could be more useful. Great feedback and thank you.