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  • Can I ask for feedback?

    Michael Stan
    4 replies
    This is a new onboarding process to find product market fit, for Uniflow. I would appreciate the feedback and whether you understand what value would bring to you! Figma prototype - https://www.figma.com/proto/Bc6UOCR2SwjEXQ83WBiCZU/New-Onboarding-Uniflow-LTD?page-id=0%3A1&type=design&node-id=1-1182&viewport=420%2C314%2C0.21&t=Tg8SiCgLYVEFxt2r-1&scaling=min-zoom


    Sathish Nagarajan (SNR)
    My 2 cents Information after entering cashflow could be more objective - for eg: using this section x users saved y% - something like this - instead of the statement that says you ll see your finances differently Apart from the story line text - the story falls in place