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  • Can you share any tips for writing a compelling Product Hunt post?

    Muhammad Hassan
    25 replies


    Nadir Bhola
    Sure! To craft a compelling Product Hunt post, start with a catchy title and a clear, concise description of your product. Highlight what makes it unique and how it solves a problem. Don’t forget to engage with the community by responding to comments. For example, kings128 used these strategies effectively in their recent launch. Engaging storytelling and visuals can make a big difference, as seen with kings128’s approach.
    Ujjwal Mishra
    • Keep it concise. • Talk about exactly what your product does. • Avoid using too much marketing buzzwords and fluffy words. • Use bullet points.
    Sure! Here are some tips for writing a compelling Product Hunt post: 1. Clear and Concise Title : Make your title descriptive yet concise to grab attention immediately. 2. Engaging Description : Clearly explain what your product does, its unique features, and why it's valuable in a few sentences. 3. Visuals Matter : Include high-quality images, GIFs, or videos that demonstrate your product in action. 4. Highlight Benefits : Emphasize how your product solves a problem or improves lives. Focus on benefits, not just features. 5. Social Proof : If available, mention any notable users, partnerships, or testimonials to build credibility. 6. Call to Action : Encourage users to try your product with a clear call to action and a link to your website or app store. 7. Engage with Comments : Be active in the comments section to answer questions, gather feedback, and engage with the Product Hunt community. 8. Timing : Post your product when your target audience is most active on Product Hunt for maximum visibility. 9. Share Your Story : People love to hear about the journey behind the product. Share your story and what inspired you to create it. 10. Stay Positive and Engaging : Be positive and receptive to feedback. Engage with users respectfully to foster a positive impression of your product and brand.
    Mahnoor Akhtar
    Hello, I'm a writer if you want writing tips then visit this site to get an Idea. https://thelightroomapp.com/
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    Keep a balance of giving away benefits of your product but not sounding salesy
    Kenan Agatra
    To write a compelling post on Product Hunt, focus on describing the problem your product solves clearly and concisely. Start with a compelling title and a short description that outlines your product's key benefits and unique features. Use images or videos to provide a strong visualization of how the product functions. Additionally, include testimonials or quotes from users who have used your product to provide social proof to support your claims. Don't forget to include direct links to products and contact information so users can interact further.
    Which ones get you to click on them?
    Touch others with a genuine story, be honest and sincere. Do more things that benefit others, share experiences or valuable information.
    Azies Alfasha
    The tips is focus on the problem your product solves right from the start. Highlighting unique features and user benefits can also grab attention. Lastly, engaging visuals and a clear call-to-action can make your Product Hunt post stand out
    M Sulaiman
    Clear Title: Use a descriptive yet concise title to grab attention immediately. Engaging Description: Clearly explain what your product does, its unique features, and benefits. Visuals: Include high-quality images, GIFs, or videos demonstrating your product. Highlight Benefits: Focus on how your product solves a problem or improves lives. Social Proof: Mention notable users, partnerships, or testimonials. Call to Action: Encourage users to try your product with a clear link. Engage with Comments: Be active in the comments section to answer questions and gather feedback. P.S. Check out SEOPro's launch on Product Hunt to see these tips in action!
    Shameka Fabros
    Yes of course! Focus on a catchy headline that grabs attention right away. Keep it short but informative, highlighting the main benefit of your product to entice users to learn more.
    Munimur Ashrafy
    Story story story; keep it honest and talk about the progress you've made, what got you started etc. Check out some of the top product hunt launches like Supabase and you'll see a common pattern on the founder comment!
    My3 Murthy
    Keep it to the point- try to add your personal experience. Be as direct as possible & be genuine.
    lily gordy
    Start with a clear statement of the problem your product solves. This grabs attention from the start.
    Charlie Grayson
    Showcase what makes your product stand out. Focus on its innovative or unique aspects.
    Harper Perez
    Clearly explain how your product benefits users. Highlight any key advantages or outcomes.
    Kostya Bolshukhin
    Little tech tip You can highlight Titles with bold Use — < b > in the beginning — < /b > in the ending (without spaces)
    Sourn Rockit
    Include high-quality images or videos to visually present the product and make the post more attractive.
    Use a brief and informative description that highlights the main features and advantages of the product.
    Abele Wickware
    Focus on a clear and interesting headline that captures the core of the product and grabs attention.