Cautions for Search Engine Optimization(SEO) using ChatGPT

Han Jang
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Writing blog contents using ChatGPT In recent years, Artificial Intelligence(AI) technology has advanced rapidly, and large language models like ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, have become popular. This makes it easier to write contents created by AI. There are many related videos on YouTube. However, Google is not expected to like blogs created automatically using ChatGPT. Also, it will be quite difficult to create a business blog contents using only AI. Google's stance on AI-generating posts According to an official announcement on Twitter on January 12, Google's Search Relation team advised posting good quality content. The Search Relation team is responsible for communicating updates and changes to Google's search algorithm and providing information on how to improve your website's search rankings and visibility. What we can take away from this is that it doesn't matter if it was written by a human or AI. The most important factor is “The Quality of the Contents”. If you want to check more, please visit:
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