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  • Clients: High-Touch or High-Tech?

    Mark Lemuel M
    2 replies
    This compares approaches that emphasize personal, relationship-driven interactions with customers (high-touch) versus using technology and automation to handle customer interactions and processes (high-tech). which is better in the long run? which of these are more likely applicable in your business?


    Samuel Thomas Harris
    I think it depends on your business and target customers. High-tech approaches can scale well and provide 24/7 availability, but some customers still prefer a more personal, high-touch experience, especially for complex products/services. Maybe find a balance - use automation for basic support but have humans handle the tougher cases that need a personal touch. Just my 2 cents!
    Isabella Claire Anderson
    High-tech all the way! We use AI and automation extensively to handle most customer interactions. Tools like sentiment analysis to gauge customer happiness, chatbots and virtual agents for support, and personalized email campaigns based on customer data. The personal touch is great, but high-tech solutions scale way better and provide consistency. Though I think the ideal is probably a balance - automate what you can, but have relationship managers for top clients and complex issues that need a human touch.