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  • Constructive criticism needed: Launched a recipe card business for german niche food

    Robert Haake
    1 reply
    Hello, Product Hunt community. In September I started my Gumroad store with authentic recipe cards for Thuringian dishes. After 3 months I have 5000 visits (mostly via Reddit), 100 freebie sales, and 5 commercial sales. I am using workflows for ratings and 30% discount offers but most visitors won't spend money. I am convinced it's not the price but maybe a lack of trust. I also write every month a newsletter with some background story about me but I don't know how to gain sales. I would be so grateful if someone would take a look at my store and some constructive criticism: https://windywell.gumroad.com/ Sincerely, Robert


    Alessandra Mikail
    Hey Robert, just took a look at your store, your recipes look delicious! My first suggestion would be to build your community through different social platforms in order to gain trust with your followers. What I would also suggest to do is to start creating video content that you can share on these platforms and link the full recipes for people to purchase. P.s. if you're looking to start monetizing your content, RECRD is a video platform that enables creators like you to instantly monetize their content and earn up to 100% Ad revenue. You can download the app on both iOS and Android, check us out here: http://bit.ly/3hqnUqd.