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  • Content distribution & demand gen

    Waqar Wasti
    9 replies
    Content has always played a huge role in generating users for new products - however it is a long tail strategy that takes time I'd be curious to know how you've accelerated the process Waq


    Fabian Maume
    Content distribution is the key. I'm personally using Missinglettr to boost my content reach; https://fabian-maume.medium.com/... I'm also using Quora to repurose my content using the AI tool from QApop.
    Waqar Wasti
    @fabian_maume Have created a lot of different channels ie linkedin, twitter, quora, reddit or do you focus on a select few ?
    Fabian Maume
    @waqarw Focus on few (Linkedin, Medium, Quora). It take 2 to 3 months to powerup one channel. I never experiment with more than 2 channels at the same time.
    Waqar Wasti
    @fabian_maume Agreed is quite resource/ time intensive to ramp up channels
    In the past on a content heavy site I: - Repurposed the content - Developed marketing campaigns on individual pieces of content - Worked heavily on links internally within my own site - Identified specific longtails from forums to compete
    Waqar Wasti
    @maxwellcdavis Interesting, i imagine backlinks played a big part! curious your thoughts on how to identify those longtails
    @waqarw Well in my case there was a forum that people went regularly to find answers - I pretty much copied what people wrote as a forum question and just made a blog post out of it. So for example this post you did would be: How to Accelerate Content Distribution and Demand Generation. These days though there are loads of SEO tools you can use to figure out the right keywords for the title.
    Gaelle Lacoste
    Repurposed the content is the key. Make big blog post and repurpose them on social media
    Waqar Wasti
    @gaelle_lacoste Understood! do you run a podcast too? if so, how do think about repurposing that content? ie short clips, transcripts/articles, social posts