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  • Context aware personal assistant

    Vitaly Shaydurov
    1 reply
    Hi all! 👋 We are working on a personal AI assistant. Yet another one you might say. The main idea and key difference is we are trying to make it context-aware. And not just some random context, but your personal. Imagine that this assistant can understand your career goal, your personal motivations, and your daily habits, and uses this information to provide tailored advice and support. Here are some examples how we see it gonna be working: 1. Career Guidance: Deciding between job offers? The assistant could say, "Based on your goal to move into leadership, Company A’s offer fits better, especially with their mentorship program." 2. Proactive Goal Achievement: It is aware of your goals. Whether you’re aiming for a promotion, improving your fitness, or learning a new skill, this assistant will help you stay on track. "You’ve been working on your project management skills – great job! Here’s a new course that could push you further." 3. Motivation: It’ll know what drives you. "You said you wanted to get in shape like Hugh Jackman – ready to hit the gym?" 4. Weekend Plans & Trips: Personalized recommendations based on your preferences and budget. 5. Relationship Advice: Sensitive but helpful guidance on how to navigate personal situations. We’re not building another “set my alarm” app – this is about real, thoughtful advice, almost like a friend who knows your story. What do you guys think? PS. If this idea resonates with you and you want early access let me know!


    Daniel Joseph Bennett
    I've been experimenting with some context-aware AI assistants but haven't found one that works well for me yet. Always open to recommendations if anyone has found a really good one! I need something that can understand the context around my queries to give me the most relevant info, almost like it can read my mind.