COVID resources that you can use to offer help

9 replies
Some amazing folks here, have created a repository of COVID resources. They are such heroes and I can't thank them enough. But I would love for you all to go through these links and see if you can provide any support. Please feel free to add any more links if you find any and let others know.


Ajain Vivek
Thanks @yeshaswini for creating the thread. We are creating telehealth platform to help people connect to medical practitioners across the globe. Hospitals and doctors are overburdened across Asia pacific. So we are trying to find doctors across the globe to assist patients with covid and non-covid related issues through telehealth consultation.
Shivam Dhruva
@yeshaswini , Thank you for doing this! πŸ™πŸ» Also, kudos to all the other makers! It's time to make India breathe happily again! Let's do our best!πŸ™πŸ»
Somnath Sandeep
@yeshaswini one of my friends co-founded this recently to help connect people in need to resources: https://www.covidindiaresources.... the fundamental problem rn is: 1) making sure the leads are verified 2) making sure they're on time, and updated these guys are constantly working on these 2 problems, and saving lives, in india.
Utsav Shah
Helping people boost their oxygen levels and also monitor it!-
Eugenia Russell
Great work. Here is one more from today: All the best.
Jose Henton
For some this amounts to assisting in spreading this Covid-19 Coronavirus as surely as those kids spitting on produce, or so some internet article tells us. The bottom line is that the authorities need to track down these stash storage rooms, apartments, vehicles, and houses to immediately confiscate and redistribute all this items.