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  • Customer-Centric or Product-Centric Strategy?

    Mark Lemuel M
    4 replies
    This compares prioritizing customer needs and tailoring offerings based on customer feedback (customer-centric) versus focusing on product excellence and innovation, assuming the market will align with the product (product-centric). which will win in the long run?


    Griffin Rhys Donovan
    Balancing both is key. Product-centricity drives innovation but customer-centricity ensures you're solving real problems people will pay for. Start with a strong product vision, then continuously gather customer insights to refine it. The magic is in the mix - let stellar products and deep customer empathy inform each other.
    Products don't make money by themselves, my friend.
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    It’s like choosing between the cart or the horse lol. :DD Without customers, your product’s going nowhere; without a great product, your customers aren’t sticking around.
    Patricia Harris
    IMO it depends on your strengths and goals. If you've got a killer product that stands out, double down on that. If your service and support are top notch, focus there to keep customers happy. Gotta play to your strengths while ensuring the full package delivers value. But in the end, $$ comes from solving real customer needs.