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  • Daily Standup

    Azniv Resyan
    10 replies
    HI guys, I wonder if there are any tools you are using for running async daily stand-ups?


    Daniil Okhlopkov
    Sugar Free: Food Scanner
    Sugar Free: Food Scanner
    We use Discord as a main tool for internal discussions. And there we have the #daily channel where anyone can send their update in case if someone can't attend to our daily sync.
    Victor Zhang
    I use the Notion database, primarily the calender view.
    Kaveen Molligoda
    Ourly by Serviceform
    Ourly by Serviceform
    We use our own Serviceform Flex. Earlier we used click-up which I would recommend! And of course we have a google doc filled with logs of each session
    Roberto Morais
    We use the Sup! bot on slack. It is simple but I am liking it.
    Launching soon!
    We use notion for our daily standups.
    Launching soon!
    We are using Google Calendar.
    we use Google docs and google meet for now.
    John Goodman
    Bit late to this conversation, but I've been working on a tool for planning and sharing your daily standup. It's still pretty new and I'm slowly working on it, but would love for people to try it out and give feedback. And maybe possibly it can help you out Azniv. You can check it out here: https://diastandup.com
    Nicholas Shaffer
    The daily reinforcement of sharing individual successes and plans keeps everyone excited about the team’s overall contribution to the organization geometry dash.
    farare janna
    Online games often incorporate snake real-world knowledge, such as history or science, making learning fun and engaging.