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  • Did Mentorship help you in your Startup?

    Katerina Dedyulya
    1 reply
    I heard that Mentorship is crucial. However, never tried myself, i just keep doing my project block by block. I guess learning from others’ mistakes can save you a lot of time and effort, but does it really? How did mentorship shape you project?


    Krishnan Unni
    I guess it's different strokes for different folks. I have been an entrepreneur for most of my working life. Though I used to work before that in advertising for about 13 years, there was never a Mentor. You could learn from others by observation at best in my days. Some of us learn by ourselves and perhaps learn best that way. Yet others eek out mentors and learn from them. Either way, you have to be lucky to find someone to learn from. Then be willing to be mentored. Reckon it takes all kinds to make a world.