Did you know about the “all” and “featured” section of Product Hunt?

Annie Chopra
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I have received a wake up call from PH… alas I shouldve known better than thinking I understand this platform within 2 - 3 months! Yet, I am so surprised at this!! This whole time I had no idea that the products I see on the homepage are not actually ALL the launches of the day but just a select few from all launches! Not only that, there is a way to actually see the full all launches by unselecting “featured” on a laptop, though I am yet to find the mobile app equivalent for that. It is sad though. Because some products will not even get a fighting chance. Personally, I think “all” products should be shown and we should be allowed to go on the “featured” section if we personally prefer a more curated list. Kind of like the “favourites” section of IG where you can just check the people you want to check on! Or at least there should be “all” rather than just deselection, because new people like me would have no idea about this. Anyway, it was definitely a huge new revelation and I am going to be trying to check more of the “All” section. Did you know of this? Do you like the structure? Also my product is now live - https://www.producthunt.com/post... you may not see it on the homepage though 😅 I appreciate your support🙌🏼🙌🏼
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