Discipline over motivation!

Uncle Linton
2 replies
There are many discussions about what keeps founders/creators going and what keeps the fire burning. I believe you have to be disciplined to build a successful platform. Motivation just lights the spark, but discipline is what keeps the flame burning. There come times during building when life hits you down or there is something you have to do that you just don't FEEL like doing. In these moments, motivation might not save you, but discipline and a strong mind will FORCE you to do it. I've gone through these stages while building TokHook, and for sure my motivation wasn't always there, but my discipline is what kept me going. What do you think?


Ryan Hoover
Self-discipline is admirable and I agree that motivation can ebb and flow when building. Some people find success in adopting strict habits. For example, I used to go to Philz coffee every morning and write for 1-2 hours. Actions like this reduce mental burden and decision fatigue, making it easier *do*. But ultimately choosing to work on something you truly care about trumps habits imho.
Uncle Linton
@rrhoover Thank you for sharing your experience! I completely agree that adopting strict habits can help reduce mental burden. Your routine at Philz coffee sounds like a great way to maintain focus and productivity. You're right, though—working on something you truly care about is the ultimate driver. Passion combined with discipline can make a powerful combination. Building TokHook has definitely reinforced this for me.