Do people still read newsletters?

Sidra Arif
17 replies
If you do which one is your favourite?


Ditarth Desai
Yes, newsletters are still widely read for curated updates and valuable insights.
Deluar Hosain
I do, if you have leave me.
Haris Morris
Absolutely! Well-curated newsletters can be a goldmine for specific interests. I personally love "Datawrapper Weekly" for its bite-sized data visualization tips – keeps my charts on point! Would love to hear your favorites too!
Business Marketing with Nika
yes :) I have few favorite :)
Business Marketing with Nika
@john_milton8 Newsletters? Matt Navara, Social media today (it is more about marketing tho) :)
john milton
I think they do and I like TechCrunch newsletter!
Julia Watson
Sometimes I do. I feel like now newsletters approach should be changed to podcast
Yes, interesting ones, even if they're long form content.
Kostya Bolshukhin
Yes, but it has to be a great newsletter! Like Elena Verna's or Lenny's otherwise blog is easier to consume
Ali Asad Ullah
Yes, I do. If it is really worth reading.
Emily Willis
yes I only have time to read e-news that's essential to the work/goals/projects I'm working on
Yes i do for me Tech crunch
Marcus Hubler
Yeah I do read it sometimes
Pari Pushpakar
Yes, people still read newsletters because i guess it contain exclusive content and keeping up with favorite brands as well.