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  • Do social networks take a lot of your energy resources?

    Ksenia Meshkova
    67 replies
    How many hours per day do you usually spend on Product Hunt, LinkedIn, Twitter, and others? Does it drain your energy? On one hand, communication satisfies me, but on the other hand, sometimes I feel overwhelmed, and as a result, I feel very empty because it takes all my energy resources. Sorry for the pessimistic introvert thoughts) I’m usually a positive extrovert, so I decided to ask you about it. Do you have moments like this, and how do you deal with them? //Thank you, guys! Your support and advices pulled me out of the dopamine pit!!


    Andrea Vannelli
    Absolutely social networks take too much time to me, I try to see just what I need but sometimes I scroll and read too much "uneusefull" stuff
    James Ramos
    Dear Ksenia, I can certainly empathize with the feelings you've expressed. :) (cuz it happens for me sometimes) Social media and online networking can be a double-edged sword - while they provide valuable opportunities for communication and connection, they can also be tremendously draining, especially for introverts or highly sensitive individuals. It's not uncommon to feel overwhelmed and depleted after spending extended periods immersed in the constant stream of information, interactions, and stimuli found on platforms like Product Hunt, LinkedIn, and Twitter. The mental and emotional energy required to process it all can leave you feeling drained and empty, even if you generally consider yourself an extrovert. I think it's important to recognize that you're not alone in experiencing these challenges. Many people struggle to find the right balance when it comes to managing their online presence and social media habits. The key is to be intentional and proactive in setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care. Some strategies that may help include: - Limiting your time on social networks to specific windows during the day, rather than having them open constantly. - Scheduling regular breaks and "digital detox" periods to recharge and recenter. - Focusing your online activities on the platforms and interactions that are most meaningful and fulfilling to you. - Cultivating offline hobbies, social connections, and outlets that provide a sense of grounding and replenishment. - Being mindful of your energy levels and needs, and giving yourself permission to step back when you're feeling overwhelmed. Ultimately, it's about finding what works best for you and your unique needs. There's no one-size-fits-all solution, but with some self-awareness and experimentation, you can strike a healthy balance that allows you to benefit from the positives of social networking while protecting your mental and emotional wellbeing. I hope these suggestions are helpful.
    Zebracat AI
    Zebracat AI
    Launching soon!
    I can relate. I spend about 3-4 hours daily on platforms like LinkedIn and Product Hunt. While it's fulfilling, it can be draining. To manage, I schedule regular breaks and balance online time with offline activities to recharge. It's important to set boundaries to avoid burnout.
    Ksenia Meshkova
    @hamza_afzal_butt thank you, absolutely agree! sometimes I forget about this balance and it's so hard to break away from the monitor and do these offline things 😵‍💫
    Marie-Philippe Leblanc
    It definitely drains energy. Like any other task. I think it's about finding balance and keeping it scheduled!
    Hi @Ksenia, I log out of all online media, eat something delicious and look at a book I've been wanting to read.
    Ksenia Meshkova
    @ksenia @elly_sp yeah!! I had a similar evening yesterday!! ♡
    Transform your attitude from what you "get" to what you input and you'll be happier. Social media is not about marketing. Social media is first and foremost recognizing that you are communicating with people and people are awesome. It's fun to communicate with people and it's fun to hear their stories. This doesn't mean that we never have meaningful discussions where there's feedback. Some of human exchange is directly telling other people how they're presenting themselves and receiving this feedback too. But the underlying purpose of giving feedback is to help people improve.
    Ksenia Meshkova
    @sqlinsix of course! you absolutely right! It's just that sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in online communication and I have no time to live in the real world. Social networks pull me into their web🤭
    Mugambi Ndeke (John)
    Who in it to try an MVP I've built for Foodies?
    As a solopreneur, I think so. Yes, they do.
    CY Zhou
    Absolutely, social networks can be quite draining! It's important to set boundaries to avoid burnout and maintain a healthy balance.
    Ibileke Samuel
    Personally it drains my energy. The time taken from just scrolling on Instagram can be used for something far productive. Why is it draining? It is draining because of the time it takes from me, and I would have other important tasks to have been done in that moment. I would say that it is only beneficial and not draining for those in the entertainment industry. I deal with this by making reminders and constantly setting up a routine, with time I got to adjust.
    Ksenia Meshkova
    @theonlyleke yeah! Besides draining my energy, it takes away my productive time. And good advice with the reminders, you're right, thanks!
    Kehui Guo
    I usually spend ~ 30 minutes on product hunt everyday. I enjoy it quite a lot, except that sometimes when I see products that are really interesting, I get too excited and have a hard time calming down which is super weird i know😅 LinkedIn is the one that drains my energy the most... I kinda force myself to stop browsing LinkedIn on a daily basis, for my mental health
    angela bruce
    Social networks can be both energizing and draining, depending on how they're used.
    For some people, because of their profession, social media cannot be skipped or even reduced. But it can totally be controlled. Although my life doesn't depend upon social media, still I find myself scrolling sometimes reading through random shit. Sometimes it could even feel like I'm spending my time productively like I'm reading/watching important stuff, not after that's done, it draining, no doubt. When that happens, i end up spending a couple of more hours awake into the night to repair the damage :)
    Ksenia Meshkova
    @vertikanigam yeah it takes our sleeping time🥲 And the big problem is that often it only seems productive, but the truth is that people's short memory can't retain all those short videos or texts for long after we've watched a myriad of them:(
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    I rather not look at those numbers of hours 😀 It is about regulating it. Yes, I feel that it is too much, when you are bigger, you need to be careful what you say and everybody expects that you can do miracles. At the end of the day, you are a bit exhausted, lying in bed with the thought: Tomorrow repeat. But I am thankful. Thankful for meeting new people, learning new things, and knowledge transfer. I only need to draw a borderline. 🙂
    Ksenia Meshkova
    @busmark_w_nika 'I rather not look at those numbers of hours 😀' - Yeah!! The less you know, the better you sleep😅😅 You absolutely right!! Oh, everything in this world has its advantages and disadvantages..
    Lorenz Sell
    I get stretched pretty thin with my social network time but I also find it fulfilling. Right now I'm spending time on PH, LinkedIn, X, and Substack. I'm thinking about cutting down to just one or two to be more focused. But I also enjoy the quality of conversations that emerge. Mostly, I've been looking for ways that I can contribute something that has helped me.
    Ksenia Meshkova
    @lorenzsell yeah, it's like productive procrastination. But then, when you realize you still have to do your work and you have less time after those wonderful hours of communication, your anxiety level grows:(
    Ayaz Akram
    I disconnect and do something active when it overwhelms me
    David Joshua
    Social media can definitely be a drain on energy. For me, the constant influx of information and the pressure to curate a perfect online persona can be overwhelming. I've found that practicing mindfulness helps. Taking breaks, being present in the real world, and using social media intentionally recharges me and allows me to interact more authentically.
    Debra Hetrick
    I’m on social media for roughly 2 hours daily, I cope with the energy drain by taking regular breaks and limiting notifications
    Hana Salazars
    I schedule downtime and engage in offline hobbies to avoid burnout
    Jackson Oscar
    I limit my usage to 2 hours a day and make sure to have regular offline breaks.