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  • Do you ever find yourself worrying about not being the first to come up with or try something new?

    Udaya Sri
    28 replies
    I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for a while, but today I saw a blog on a similar topic and thought, “There are already so many blogs out there. Why would anyone want to read mine if I write one?” I’m actively working on getting past these feelings and have started trying out a few strategies. 1. Finding my own unique perspective: I realised that even if i'm not the first one to come up with an idea, my unique approach and perspective can add value to it which people may love and support. 2. Shifting my mindset from competition to collaboration: Seeing the people who have done something similar to me as potential collaborators and learning from each other's mistakes. 3. Celebrating small wins: I think this is important in any aspect of our lives. It helps us to stay motivated and recognize our hard work to date. 4. Enjoying the journey instead of obsessing over the destination: I’m focusing more on the journey itself, which makes the whole process more rewarding than just reaching the end goal. What about you? Any tips that have worked for you? I'd love to hear them! Posting again cause I want to know all of your thoughts on this :)


    Bill Frad
    i used to worry about it, but now I just focus on what makes my approach unique.
    Udaya Sri
    @bill_frad Awesome! I’m still working on it.
    I believe that if you want to do something, just go ahead and do it. The essential difference between your blog and others' blogs is that it's yours, and there's no problem with expressing your own opinions.
    Udaya Sri
    @all_appp_games Yeah I'm learning it :D
    Hell yeah, all the time! Every now and then... but in the end, it’s that sweet remorse that hits you hard!
    Forb Yuan
    Not always. Sometimes ideas are so new that it’s hard for me to explain to others.
    Udaya Sri
    @f0rb Yes, I’ve come across this as well. How do you deal with it?
    Forb Yuan
    @udaya_sri Just try and try. Try to avoid minefields and understand the secret rules. Such as, don't post a medium link on Reddit r/programming group. Lots of people downvote my post just due to the medium spam...
    Antonin Vidal
    Not really I’m more focused on making sure my ideas are solid, regardless of when they come up.
    Udaya Sri
    @antonin_vidal That’s a great mindset. Keep it going!
    David Grunwald
    Sometimes but I try to remind myself that it’s more important to do something well than to be first.
    Udaya Sri
    @da_vid_grunwald Yeah, that’s a great way to get yourself motivated to start something.
    I’ve definitely felt this way before! I find it helps to focus on the personal growth that comes from trying something new, rather than just the end result.
    Udaya Sri
    @a_l_ice Oh, that’s a new way to look at it! It really changes how we tackle things with this mindset. Thanks!
    Casiana Rajas
    Great strategies! I also remind myself that even if an idea isn’t new, my personal voice and experiences can still offer something unique
    Udaya Sri
    @casiana_rajas And it's really interesting to see some real-life examples online that agrees with this point
    Sabine Engel
    Totally understand where you’re coming from. For me, setting small, achievable goals has been key to keeping my motivation high
    Udaya Sri
    @sabine_engel Exactly! I’ve also started celebrating my small wins to stay motivated.
    Lakeesha Weatherwax
    Hello, Udaya Sri. I really understand the sensation. Focusing on my distinct perspective has proven to be really beneficial. Even if the subject is not fresh, my personal touch can help it stand out.
    Udaya Sri
    @lakeesha_weatherwax Hello, I totally agree with you.
    Rocco Valentino
    I used to worry about this as well. Moving from competition to collaboration has been an exciting change for me. It's remarkable what you can learn from people in your field.
    Udaya Sri
    @rocco_valentino It's great to hear that you’re starting to see things from a new perspective.
    Zajin dacos
    I’ve faced similar doubts when starting new projects. What helped me was realizing that no one else can bring my perspective to the table. Celebrating small wins and enjoying the process really kept me motivated too. Keep going. Your blog could inspire more people than you think!
    Udaya Sri
    @zajin_dacos True. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
    Steven Clark
    This has been difficult for me as well. Adopting your distinct voice and remaining loyal to who you are can have a significant impact. Your viewpoint counts and there's always space for improvement.
    Udaya Sri
    @steven_cla I couldn't agree more with this. Thanks!
    Rowan Maxwell Everett
    There's nothing wrong with not being the first to do something. What matters is doing it in your own unique way and putting your personal spin on it. As long as you're providing value and expressing yourself authentically, that's what counts. Go for it!
    Joseph Walker
    Totally normal to feel that way sometimes! The key is to focus on expressing your unique perspective and voice. Maybe you're not the first to blog about a topic, but your thoughts and opinions are still valuable. Readers want authenticity. Just be yourself and create content you're passionate about - that's what will set you apart, not necessarily being the first. Keep at it!