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  • Do you get intimidated by competitors?

    Gabriel Xará
    22 replies
    I used to worry about the big players in the market and how they might overshadow my startup. But I’ve learned that with patience, persistence, and hard work, there’s always room for products created by passionate and dedicated individuals. Just keep pushing and you will eventually impact someone positively


    Hazel Mathew
    Competitors can be intimidating, but I stay focused on my goals and remember that dedication and hard work can set me apart.
    Gabriel Xará
    Launching soon!
    @hazel_mathew There is no replacement for hard work
    Tamar Waziri
    I used to feel overwhelmed by competitors, but now I use that energy to stay sharp and keep improving. There’s always room for innovation if you stay focused on your gaols
    Alira Kamb
    I used to feel the same way about competitors. It’s reassuring to hear that persistence and hard work can make a difference. Thanks for sharing!
    Johnny Ishak
    I can relate to feeling overshadowed by competitors. It’s good to know that dedication can still make an impact. I’ll stay focused on my goals.
    Shawn Idrees
    I’ve definitely been intimidated by bigger players before. Your perspective is really encouraging. I’ll keep pushing forward!
    Gabriel Xará
    Launching soon!
    @shawn_idrees Keep going!
    jonah muye
    It’s easy to feel intimidated by competitors, but i try to view them as benchmarks. If they can succeed, so can I with the right strategy and persistence.
    Felicia Singleton
    Competitors can be scary, but I remind myself that they also validate the market. There’s room for everyone if you keep your eyes on your own path.
    Filxa Adam
    I used to be intimidated by competitors, but now I take it as a challenge. It pushes me to work harder and stay true to my vision
    Luke Wright
    Its easy to feel overwhelmed by competitors, but I’ve found that concentrating on my own progress helps me stay positive.
    Gabriel Xará
    Launching soon!
    @luke_wright1 It is a game of patience. By staying positive and doing your best the results will appear
    Savilia Lastero
    Competitors can be intimidating, but I focus on our own strengths and unique value proposition. It’s more about staying true to our vision than worrying about what others are doing.
    Abel Hess
    I do get a bit intimidated by competitors sometimes, but I try to use it as motivation. It pushes me to continuously improve and find unique ways to stand out.
    Alexander Galitsky
    Yes. And I hope it’s mutual 🤝
    Fletcher Graham
    I used to feel the same way, but now I see competitors as a sign that there’s a demand for what I’m creating. It’s all about finding your own niche.
    Nathan Cooper
    I totally get it, but I've found that focusing on my unique strengths helps me stay confident.
    Jiyo Root
    I’ve been there too. What helped me was shifting my focus from competitors to customers and their needs.
    Kavya Tripathi
    Considering them as motivation works for me. Also realising that everyone has there own path.
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    Absolutely, there are moments when I feel intimidated by competitors, especially when they seem to be ahead in ways that I admire or aspire to. But honestly, I’ve learned to reframe that feeling as a motivator rather than a setback. When I catch myself comparing, I remind myself that everyone’s journey is different, and my unique strengths are my real edge. Competitors push me to be better, and that’s something I’ve grown to appreciate even if it’s a little nerve-wracking at times! :)
    Leo Sebastian Callahan
    Focus on your unique value prop and keep innovating - that's the best way to stand out from competitors. Ultimately there's room for multiple players if you execute well on solving customer pain points. A little healthy competition keeps you on your toes!
    Gabriel Xará
    Launching soon!
    @leosebastiancallahan Wise advice, Leo! Identify a potential customer pain point to address and continuously improve. Undoubtedly, more opportunities like the first one will emerge!