Do you know how to spot and prevent tech debt?

Beatriz Campos
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It’s estimated that software development teams waste about 23-42% of their time dealing with the ramifications of technical debt. This drain on resources typically impacts delivery speed. Common tech debt triggers can come from business and management causes (tight deadlines, poor communication, lack of planning, shifting strategy, etc) or from engineering team causes (inexperienced engineers, not caring for their work, mistakes, overengineering). Regardless of how tech debt is perceived by the team, it can be split into two categories: intentional and unintentional. - Intentional tech debt: deliberately incurring in tech debt in order to achieve a short-term goal. This usually happens early in the product development process when speed to market is a priority (prototyping, MVP building, etc.) But also occurs when the team is under pressure to release a new update, feature, or meet any kind of tight deadline. - Unintentional tech debt: result of poor design choices, lack of attention to detail, lack of product understanding, and other software development pitfalls. In other words, it’s mostly accidental. Well, these are just some great points from fresh-ou-of-the-oven insights (here but can share your experience or main problems with technical debt at your company/with your product? 🧐
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