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  • Do you prefer listening to podcasts or watching the same topics on YouTube?

    Rupal Saini
    40 replies


    Business Marketing with Nika
    I usually have YouTube in the background playing and listening to it without video. Especially, when exercising. Consuming the content differs according to my activities. When I want to know something about a visual topic or try to learn something – I watch. When I exercise – I listen to.
    Anas Riad
    @busmark_w_nika YouTube can be used as a podcast as well nowadays :)
    Rupal Saini
    @busmark_w_nika Do you have any favorite channels or types of content you follow?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    @rupal_saini Sure, most of them are but in the Slovak language or Czech. When it comes to international, I watch exercise videos. 😅 But eg Colin and Samir are good video casters :)
    Muhammad G
    Launching soon!
    Hi Rupal, I prefer podcasts because I can easily tune in while doing other tasks. They offer great flexibility and convenience.
    Rupal Saini
    Do you have any favorite podcasts or genres you enjoy listening to while working?
    I prefer listening to podcasts, especially while driving. It's more relaxed, helps pass the time, and I can learn something along the way.
    Rupal Saini
    @bonvisions That's great! Do you have any favorite podcasts that you recommend?
    Ekaterina Adamovich
    That depends on what I'm doing, but unless it's a how-to-use/do something video where you have to actually pay attention, I rather listen to Youtube than watch it, and I like listening to podcasts while exercising. Much like the previous comments 😉
    Rupal Saini
    I should definitely try that too! I usually just listen to music while exercising. Podcasts might be a fun change! 😄
    Shantanu Deshpande
    Usually yes.. While working from Home.. the best thing I prefer is to listen to a podcast under my preferred genres... Literary all I do is take the headphones out when its not the meeting time and start the podcast and keep my work going..It somehow helps to focus as well
    Rupal Saini
    @shantanu_deshpande3 I might try that myself. Any favorite podcasts you’d recommend?
    Alavya Pandey
    watching Videos as we can hover over unnecessary things if in a hurry
    Anas Riad
    @alavya_pandey It's true that you have more of a structure with YouTube especially since they introduced timestamps in the videos.
    Alex AI
    Prefer to listen. More of the podcasts are only audio-related so why should I watch the speaker? Of course sometimes I am watching the podcasts.
    Sagara Pradipta
    Usually I like to listen to podcasts while doing my work
    Kim Namjoon
    Watching the same topic if I like that topic
    Amit Arora
    Actually it varies for me. When I am driving, then I listen and when I am looking for some interviews that interest me, then I watch. How about you?
    Rupal Saini
    @amit_arora I also like to mix it up based on the situation. I usually listen to podcasts when I'm doing tasks that don't require much focus. When I’m looking for deeper insights or need to follow up on specific details, I prefer to watch.
    Anas Riad
    I would say YouTube because it gives you the ability to: - Watch while listening - Listen and leave your phone in the pockets (like a podcast) if at the gym or walking. You get both worlds with YouTube :)
    Priyanka Saini
    I like ti listen podcasts.
    Nathan Covey
    YouTube. For some reason I just don't like the podcast apps 🤣
    Rupal Saini
    @nathancovey @nathancovey Haha, I was in the same boat not too long ago, but now I’ve come to enjoy them a lot
    George Strunin
    It depends on what I'm doing. I usually listen to something while on the go or before bed. If I have the chance to watch, I prefer that. But if I can't, just listening works too. So, my choice is YouTube, where I can listen in the background and watch when possible! :)
    Youtube videos
    Aaron Hays
    I usually have an educational YouTube going when I'm working.
    Rince Sebastian
    I'm used to using yt for everything, I've almost never listened to a podcast 😅