Do you prefer virtual meetings or in person meetings?
Irmak Besimoğlu
41 replies
I prefer virtual meetings 😉
Slim Geransar@slimmy82
REI Litics
Totally depends on the situation, with remote meetings, it’s convenient and you can share screen etc. Personal meetings help establish relationships (better when meeting clients) you can also read body language better with personal meetings.
There's so much to get more when you're in person that remote. Body language, eye contact, and tone of voice make you feel a better connection and understanding with the person you're talking to.
Preference for in-person, but all my meetings are remote lol.
Productivity nugget: There were actually some studies why online meetings are often perceived as worse, one of the issues is seeing yourself constantly during the meeting and another one was that people often sit too close to the camera.
Removing your own video from the view and taking some more distance from the computer can help improve the virtual meeting both for yourself and the other person you're meeting with :).
Virtual... as we are working on remote and with international clients.
I got really use to Virtually meetings, however if you want to build a strong relationship, then nothing like in person meetings!
Huudle AI Project Assistant
None! Let's make async meetings ;) check out 🧚🏻
@parilti_erkan clever huh?😏
Virtual meetings are a bit more convenient. However, when it comes to brainstorming sessions, I'd opt for in-person ones.
virtual meetings
I prefer virtual meetings
It could have been an email 😅
prefer virtual meetings
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it depend on situation
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My preference varies depending on the situation. Generally, I like to have some days dedicated to quiet work, without any meetings at all, to focus deeply on tasks at hand
virtual meetings. No need to worry about awkward handshakes, and you can rock a business suit on top while wearing fuzzy slippers below.
In-person meeting is my go-to, especially if the client/partner that I'm seeing is friendly :)
Virtual meeting is best
person meetings are best