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  • Do you sell to indie makers?

    René N
    0 replies
    Hi everyone, I'm curious to know if any companies or platforms here actively sell products or services tailored specifically for indie makers? I am working on a tool and thinking about niching down to target only indie makers as the "first" iteration of the company. My pain point about this is that I have seen many places where people say things like: "Don't sell your product for $9/19, sell it for $100 - same effort." "Indie makers are poor, don't sell to indie makers." Statements like these make me question whether it’s a smart idea. 🤷‍♂️ At the same time, I feel like we will see a lot more indie makers in the next 10 years due to the shift towards multiple sources of income and flexible jobs. LinkedIn's CEO even said that the conventional 9-to-5 job will be obsolete by 2034. What is your experience? Looking forward to your thoughts and insights!
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