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  • Do you talk with your customers?

    Olena Bomko
    63 replies


    Code Committee
    Yes! We hate having to sign up for so many different services, especially when only trying out a new app. Because of this, we’ve been intentional about our own apps not requiring sign up, so customers can just dive right in. We’re happy with our approach, but it presents a challenge as it means we can’t actively reach out to customers. As a work around we’ve made it easier for customers to reach out to us in-app. There’s no doubt that interfacing with customers 1:1 helps build better apps.
    Daniel Zaitzow
    @hudsonm I like this approach - might be hard to do at scale but the insight you're probably getting is invaluable.
    Gaurav Kumar
    I am a very talkative girl to be honest 😅
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @gauravdoodles Do you get insights during these talks?
    Gaurav Kumar
    @olenabomko Yeah First thing is to know the frustrations of clients. Why do they want to a ui ux or app design or a landing page design? The why part is much important. Then I ask more question untill I gain clarity . I do not start any project without gaining clarity .
    Gaurav Kumar
    @olenabomko Also Whenever the client is in objection mode about sollution or pricing . I just show some empathy and again ask another question to them as an answer . "Why you think my prices are high", "Why do you think this will not work". Most of the time let your clients or users answer everything.
    Rohan Pathak
    @olenabomko @gauravdoodles I think if you have provided value in the beginning the client will be open to discussing the mode obstacles they will be facing and they will also talk about their objections in great detail so you can pinpoint exactly why they are not buying from you and then reverse engineer them into buying the thing you are selling
    Gaurav Kumar
    @olenabomko @persuasionkid Nope , if you do not talk with your customers periodically , you will end up being Nokia or porsche . both of these companies are dying because of this . They do not talk to their customers what they want . They just asume . In UX design amazon increased its revenue by 300M just by talking to customers what is not helping in completing checkout . They just change a button from checkout to continue and it worked . So you need to get regular feedback from customer . Similarly Etsy increased its revenue by using guest login instead of signingup or loging in just by talking to its cutomers . There are many examples I can give . Talking helps you in making concious changes in your product . As far as value is concerned you need to iterate on this think . Nokia gives more value then any other company , best display , best camera , best OS and still not able to acquire customers . Now it is dying ! PS : I own a porsche BTW 😅🥹
    Of course. We're working on regular CusDev
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @alex_egorov Do you get insights during these talks?
    Konok Nazmul
    It's great to see this discussion about talking with customers! As a firm believer in the power of customer feedback, I'm always curious to hear how others approach this important aspect of building a successful product. For those who are looking to enhance their customer communication strategies, I recently came across a fantastic resource called "The Mom Test" by Rob Fitzpatrick. It's a book that provides practical tips and techniques for asking the right questions and getting meaningful feedback from customers. I highly recommend checking it out! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences on talking with customers! Let's dive into this discussion and learn from each other.
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @konok_nazmul Who wrote this comment?
    Nick Anisimov
    Sure! The main thing is to understand which feedback is constructive, and which is just emotions.
    Darya Antonyuk
    We've decided to invite our current customers on CusDev interviews to get more insights into our platform, we'll see how it goes!
    Mounir Nejjai
    isn't that mandatory?
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    Mark Amouzgar
    Yes, I regularly engage in one-on-one meetings with customers
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @mark_amouzgar Do you get insights during these talks?
    Mark Amouzgar
    @olenabomko Yeah, we gained some insights and new ideas for our product.
    Tatiana Tompkins
    We’re doing as much customer outreach as possible! Hoping to hear any pain points users experience while planning a trip to their favorite destinations🙌🏼
    Natalya Osyko
    Absolutely, having conversations with our customers is like having a secret recipe for success. It's our direct line to discovering what they really want, what bugs them, and how we can make our products and services shine even brighter. It's like a treasure hunt for insights that can turn our business into a customer-pleasing machine. But it's not just about being a detective; it's also about being a friend. When we talk with our customers, we're saying, "Hey, we value your opinion, and we're here to make your life better." That kind of connection can turn customers into loyal fans and even spread the word about us to others.
    Tanjir Rahman
    Of course Olena! I do talk with my customer regularly.
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @tanjirrahman Do you get insights during these talks?
    Roland Marlow
    I respond to emails and customer support tickets but I also create and send out surveys occassionally to get feedback.
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @rmarlow What about customer interviews?
    Hanna Barzakouskaya
    I've been quite the chatterbox lately! Customers have been reaching out, and our conversations have stretched for over an hour at times. 😄 It's been an engaging experience!
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @anna_panchenko Do you get insights during these talks?
    Judith Amarachi 💙
    Yes, I talk with my customers. If I assume they are all satisfied, I might end up missing a point. I treat them as partners.
    Rohan Pathak
    @judith_amarachi_ Your customers are the greatest source of your data in the beginning and you can get a lot of insights from them!
    Richard Warren
    Always, we've had launch partners since day one and leaned on their experience and needs to shape our product road map. We've had those crazy weeks building a completely new feature just to nail that big clients too 😆
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @richwarren Do you get insights during these talks?
    Shajedul Karim
    absolutely, sis. talking to customers isn't just a box to tick. it's the compass. ever been in a labyrinth? building a product without customer talk is like that. blindfolded. customer feedback isn't just reactive. it's your prologue, the unwritten chapter of your journey. think about it. your customers are using your product in ways you've not even considered. by not talking, you're also saying something. you're saying "i know better." risky bet. cuz, your product is a conversation, not a monologue. listening is an underrated skill. and in business, it could mean your rise or fall. your customer's praise is your roadmap. their complaints? that's your rescue mission. and it’s not about feature requests alone. sometimes, they help you see what to omit. so yes, talk to them. more importantly, listen. it's the highest yield investment you'll make.
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @shajedulkarim_ Very cool! Followed you :)
    Every chance I get, my tech helps smbs compete with national service chains so the personal touch helps me stay in touch. Plus customer interviews typically come with free coffee and drinks.
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @peoplenotbots Do you get insights during these talks?
    @olenabomko Of course, the nice thing about good smbs is they are often both the operations and owner.
    Ritu Soni
    If you are a new player, you MUST and SHOULD talk to your customers, especially if they're your early adapters. They really help shape the product and make it market fit.
    Yes, all the time. All customer touchpoints are valid, but due to the nature of our audience and product, our number one source of feedback (and insights) is our Discord support server. Our customers join the server for more information, to ask questions, to get notified about updates, sometimes to talk among themselves. We put our ticket system for customer service in the Discord server as well, so a support ticket might evolve into something totally different. We mostly listen and chat, and sometimes we run polls and surveys. I haven't done voice/video calls so far, but I might in the future.