Do you use notion to run your business?
Edun Kerry
4 replies
Every business has various moving parts
You may have a mentorship.
or you could be building a newsletter.
At the same time You could be offering coaching/consulting
You have team members on board .
What in your opinion unites all of that?
For me of course it’s a great notion system.
Having to run all of that without a proper workflow to track and manage things would be insane!
let me know your thoughts
Lorenz Sell@lorenzsell
Yes, I use Notion to run pretty much everything in our business. I feel like before Notion existed I was trying to string together all these different tools. Notion just takes care of everything in one place. It's super flexible, simple, and powerful.
Ultimate Notion Home Manager
@lorenzsell spot on
ubiquitous tool for a reason!
i’m actually a notion consultant so i would love to connect too!
Use Notion for LinkedIn/X post drafts, user interview transcript and knowledge base
Ultimate Notion Home Manager
@kostyabolsh nice !
that’s alot of heavy lifting if you ask me