Does every startup founder need to be a content creator now?

Ankur Sharma
3 replies
It kinda feels like if you’re not, you might be missing out on some good chances. What do you think?


Elena Tairova
Now, same as before, as a founder you need to passionately talk about and advocate for your product. You can do in whatever medium comes more natural and use help & delegate it's translation to other formats. Circling back to the current 'content creator' definition, I'd say at least one of the founders got to be a 'content creator' in a sense.
Dzmitry Tsemirau
Of course, it’s either the founder or someone from the team. How will you promote without content? In the beginning, there's usually no budget to hire someone.
Gurkaran Singh
Sure, every startup founder needs to be a content creator now—because who needs sleep when you can be making TikToks at 3 AM, right? But seriously, it does help build your brand and connect with your audience. And hey, if you need help curating that perfect online persona, "Her Ideal Match" might just have the data-backed insights you need, at least in the dating world!