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  • Does the future of network data lie in the blockchain?

    6 replies
    Hey people, does Web 3.0 have the future? What are your opinions and predictions related to blockchain technology? :)


    Michael Yagudaev
    Web 3.0 will take a lot longer than most people think. It will happen, but a lot of the current tech there now will be replaced by new companies. The early adopters will be companies that cannot get hosting on major cloud providers. Adult entertainment and gambling are in that category. The promise of owning your data is probably what I'm most excited about. Instead of having to export data like now, you will always have to give permission to the provider to use the data and have control of how it is used. Imagine having all your exercise and medical data available only to you. And you choose what apps get access to it. Going to a decentralized compute layer, where no big player like Amazon, Microsoft, Google can control the network is also pretty appealing. Pied Pipper style 😂 . So totally worth keeping an eye on, but no need for FOMO. Unless you are a developer and can maximize your salary by grabbing onto the money flying around in the space.
    Michael Yagudaev
    The metaverse, which is AR / VR can be built with Web 3.0 and concepts of ownership and remixing content can exist. Imagine I create a hyper realistic 3D model of a couch you can buy as an artist. Now any e-commerce store can pay me royalties automatically based on number of views. Further, if I use it in a video with music and other visuals I can pay everyone royalties automatically. The best part is it doesn't need to go through an intermediate party like youtube / apple / etc that take a huge slice. As a content creator, I'm pretty excited for that world 😁
    @michael_yagudaev Thank you so much on such a great elaboration! *_* It is really so very well explained sum up, and it is so useful! ^_^ Thanks for sharing your opinion! I am totally in anticipation about Web 3.0, even tho I know it will take a time to develop and then it will also take a time to be understood and accepted from majority...
    @michael_yagudaev This is a great experience! Thanks for sharing! I would like to dive deeper into these topics definitely! *_* Well.. everything has good and bad points, and anyhow mean people can misuse any good product, science growth, or art expressions... I think that a crucial point, that we have all missed in humanity - is good education (not to be smart/educated but rather to be a human), rising awareness, compassion, and cherishing and understanding emotions. This way it would be much easier to help each other, to develop quickly on many levels... And, in this way I wouldn't have a fear of metaverse now >.< XDD
    Maciej Cupial
    I think we are still pretty early with web3. Many businesses don't have their website yet :) The future looks good for web3, but it may take time.
    @maciej_cupial Thanks for the answer Maciej!:) I agree, it will be a long ride to the total realization of the Web 3.0 idea... What are your personal preferences? Are you more ''can't wait'' person, referred to the Web 3.0 development, or you rather stay neutral?:)