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  • Drop your B2B website, I'll give you 1 advice to boost lead generation

    Benoit COLLET
    38 replies
    Over the years, I've learned to perform quick audit to boost lead generation on B2B websites. Drop you B2B website url (best would be to give me also your country and biggest competitor), and I'll give you 1 advice. Why I do that? I'm working on some audit industrialization, I need to do more and more quick audits to find patterns ๐Ÿ˜‰ Am I legit? I don't know, let's see what you think! ๐Ÿ˜… I've started my career at an analytics startup for 2 years, then 6 years as a digital marketing consultant specialized in the B2B software industry, and now I've been a growth at Plezi (a marketing automation software) for 4 years... I'll try to answer everyone within 7 days for all those who dropped their website before August 15 ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ


    Tade Adamjak
    Hi there, would love to hear your thought on https://www.uxtweak.com/ - it is a UX research platform offering tools for usability testing of anything from prototypes to fished web and mobile apps. Our users are mostly UX designers, UX researchers, Product and design teams. We are from Slovakia (EU) but most of our customers are US based. Giants of the industry are UserTesting.com and UserZoom.com, some of the "smaller" relevant competitors would be Userlytics.com or Maze.co If you have any questions, let me know. Looking forward to your opinion
    Benoit COLLET
    @tade_adamjak1 wow Tade, congrats on the work! I don't see many websites with so many features pages well written and "pretty"! You've got many CTA, that's good. However, they often are on top of the page, but don't replicate on the page. For example you've got try for free + try demo + watch video on top, but then nothing on page. That works for simple stuff, but I'd go for a dual strategy: always 1 main CTA (try for free for example, and mix them) and 1 "exit CTA" like "discover how it works" which would scroll down. You've got many content, but I'd focus on use cases so you can show some "proof" of what your product does. Best would be blog articles with big pain points that you solve using your product: this way, without saying it like "try us", you'd just show how great you are :) Again, great job! What do you think of my feedback?
    One of the best ways to boost a company's lead generation is through an email finder, it helps you find new prospects and generate sales like fire for free. Check out our best email finder and verifier tool: https://minelead.io/ !
    Stas Voronov
    ping-mi.com Our TA - Product Managers from EU, UK, Australia Main competitors for our case now - Confluence, Excel, Notion Idea - Tool which will collect questions from the team, help to distribute them to stakeholders, track progress and communicate decisions back to the team. it removes bottlenecks from the decision-making process to prevent deadline shifts and save the history of decisions to show why team do what they do
    Benoit COLLET
    @stas_voronov Hi Stas thanks for sharing! Really nice! We face it really often with siloed teams and tools. About your websites a few ideas: - I'd simplify the header: too much empty space and police is too big. I'd pair it with a visual or a screen from the app. And CTA I'd have something like "discover how to boos product decisions" for example, that would scroll down. - Video is pretty nice, Add the CTA there close to the video. - However even if the video presents nice arguments and "how it works", many people won't click, you need those arguments to be on the page, well written. - You're addressing what we could call a "niche" as your best users are already using couple of tools, and you will add to them: you need two contents when facing this: -- "old way / new way" content explaining problems facing when you have Jira + ProductBoard + Slack and how you solve it. Visuals are good for that. -- integrations page: telling nice things about the product, and showing how Asana + PingMi is a win (that takes time, it's for later I guess) - If not done already, perform some user research so that real person try your tool, and get them saying nice things about it so you can display it on your website. - And more globally: the site needs more "trust signals": who you are, why you built PingMi, maybe you have some social profiles to link in the footer? Add legal mentions, and if possible, add some logos from existing users. You will have to ask users to integrate with lot of tools, which means give access to PingMi to critical app. People won't do that without trust. Hope that helps! :)
    Gaurav Goyal
    scalenut.com Looking forward to your insights @benoit_collet
    Benoit COLLET
    @gauravgoyal_gg Hi and thanks for sharing! I'd do the main work on the homepage: it tries to send maximal trafic to the signup page, that's too harsh. You've got a lot of content, you need to give backdoors for people who're not ready to try. Best is to combine CTA: Try OR "learn more about Cruise mode" / Try OR "read content creator use cases" / etc. - I'd divide the header in two column: your title + get started email CTA on the left, video on the right - I'd add the G2 grades and badges with the "trusted by 200+...", it's on the signup page but too small: that's huge recognition, I was chocked (in a good way)! - the floating modals cruise mode / Focus writing / etc. are kind of weird: on mobile, I can't click half of the time, and they don't look "pro". - Build internal linking! Instead of sending to the signup page, also link to the dedicated page. Your homepage receive external links, you need to "send the SEO juice" to your power features pages. - The sections "seo hub" down on the page are perfect, they just need to have two CTA with a link to the dedicated page. I'd delete the floating modals higher, and have those sections straight after the video! - you've got many competitors out there with GPT3, I'd build comparison pages with your differenciator at scale to gain SEO trafic :) Hope that helps! Let me hear your feedback ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ
    Hรฉlรจne SAN
    Our btob website: Snackeet We're from France and our biggest competitor would probably be Typeform or Makestories
    Benoit COLLET
    @helene_san Hi Hรฉlรจne, thanks for submitting your website ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ We should be partners by the way ๐Ÿค“ Really nice homepage, your value proposition is pretty clear! I'd create subpages dedicated to what your product do so you can get some SEO trafic: survey, quizz, tutorial, etc. And optimize really well those pages so you can link from your homepage and some blog article to them. I'd also work on some use cases, as you've got pretty nice ROI numbers to display, but we trust your word... I'd like to see the product in action and some success stories. Maybe launch a blog series where you highlight client's optimization success stories? What do you think?
    Hรฉlรจne SAN
    @benoit_collet Thanks a lot for your advice, I'll take everything into consideration and I'll talk with the team to see what we can do about it :) Yeah let's connect on LinkedIn ;)
    Raaghav Goel
    https://dox2u.com/ we're launching mid-August! :)
    Benoit COLLET
    @raaghavg hi! I wish you good luck for the launch! I'd say you've got the "for everyone" problem which will lower your conversion: you would have better result focusing on your ideal customer. Reading your website, I'd say it's companies obligated to "comply" with ISO and other laws. I'd highlight that better, and build content around that to get SEO trafic on those specific keywords. Great work on your feature pages! Maybe you've got some beta testers you can ask to display real examples for each? That will build trust! What's your opinion about my feedback?
    ๐ŸžDebugTool is your ultimate partner for website design and development completion ๐Ÿ’ป If you are still searching for the perfect tool ๐Ÿ”งto improve communication and workflow ๐Ÿ’ฌ for your web agency. Debug Tool will live up to your expectations! Here are SOME of the things you can expect: ๐Ÿ‘‰Speed up your entire project delivery flow by weeks and months ๐Ÿ‘‰Project management center to handle the big projects ๐Ÿ‘‰Logging all tasks and hours spent ๐Ÿ‘‰1-minute integration ๐Ÿ‘‰Masterclass included ๐Ÿ‘‰Free WordPress Plugin ๐Ÿ‘‰Visual debugging directly on your website ๐Ÿ‘‰Logging all tasks and hours spent We are also on Appsumo!
    Hรผseyin Kara
    Hey! If you would share your opinions about https://usemagnetiq.com/ I'll be happy!
    Benoit COLLET
    @huseyin_kara hi and thanks for asking! Really nice visuals on your website! I could be a buyer so it's easier for me to comment ๐Ÿ˜œ I'd add some premium contents for potential buyers not ready to convert yet. It's a bit "$1 or leave"... Your product seems awesome, I would record a short video demo, like 2 minutes, and publish it as a secondary call to action "see Magnetiq in action". I would also answer buyers' questions on the website directly. For example, first thing I would ask is how do you sync with Google and Facebook? If I build my add, what's the process? Do I have to export, upload, etc? If you want to drive huuuuuge amount of leads, you could also work on some free templates. For example building a database of awesome beautiful adds, sorted by sectors, so people can "steal" it: people who would get it would be just 1 click from your product then and even if they don't pay yet, there will come a time when stealing existing ads will be hover, and they would have to build their own with your product. What do you think?
    Hรผseyin Kara
    @benoit_collet It was one the good feedbacks. We'll keep in our mind what you said. Thank you very much for your time!
    Sergei Petrov
    Great job! This is simply the height of heroism and altruism. ๐Ÿ˜ I'm afraid to imagine how many discussions there will be. ๐Ÿ˜… Our website (https://www.ping-mi.com/) has already been taken down, my colleague got ahead of me. ๐Ÿ˜„ But could you also take a look at the description of the plugin we made and give your opinion? https://marketplace.atlassian.co... We tried very hard making it. The video is not working yet. We are talking to support about this. Thank you very much in advance!!!
    Benoit COLLET
    @sergeipetrov this is awesome Sergei, really great work! I've already commented on your website with your colleague :) The video works on your plugin page, it's awesome and really clever to work hard on this plugin page as it shall become your main source of customers. Try to get some beta testers rate you with 4 stars and let a review.
    I would love to hear about: https://www.workhub.ai/. Any critical comments will be highly appreciated.
    Benoit COLLET
    @ali_shaheen Hi! Glad to comment! I've been following Bravo and Workhub launches, great job! My main worry is about offers complexity: you've got a page for each offer, which means I have to overthink how it would look like if I take them all? First, I'd get the same menu on every page, and then I'd be transparent about pricing, as it's not the same pricing depending on the pages we are on. I would also work on 2 things: integrations, as you're fighting with big ones (for example, answer the question "how would it work if I already use Slack?") and use cases (proof you've done some nice work for at least a few beta testers.
    @benoit_collet Awesome feedback. That's exactly my thoughts too: integrations (in works:)), usecases (we got several now) and ofcourse offer simplification.
    Hey Benoit! Would love to hear your feedback on https://tira.so/. We're based in Finland and our biggest competitor is Notion.
    Sergei Petrov
    @inesfenner Do you plan to create an API so that we can collaborate with your product?)
    Benoit COLLET
    @inesfenner hi! Nice to see a finish company! I've been studying and working there! Love your website, I see you made a huge work! It's good that you're building pages to compare to competitors and "personas" pages. However, you could use a bit more linking between all those pages. You could for example target really long trail keywords: for example how to manage a team calendar on Google Agenda, or how to manage team project on Notion. Also, best way to show your value is to give your competitor's templates for free. You could build really awesome Google Docs and Notion project templates and productivity tips, so you can send them to your product easily. Hope that helps!
    @benoit_collet Thank you so much for giving feedback, Benoit! I couldn't agree more with the need for more linking. I've forwarded your feedback to the team so we can take everything into consideration and discuss it. :)
    Iuliia Shnai
    Looking forward to comments. marbleflows.com- no code interactive flows to convert more leads
    Benoit COLLET
    @iuliia_shnai hi! thanks for asking! Everything seems pretty big on the website on my screen, I would get all those a bit less "wide". For example that page https://www.marbleflows.com/temp.... The idea is awesome, however you could use more text and explaination to be more persuasive. Same on blog posts, there's some UX problem as the table of contents is hover the article. Then I'd work on the testimonials to gain some trust: show real companies having real results. Hope that helps!
    Sajal Agarwal
    flomill.com Our TA - Sales heads, CXOs, PMs from EU, NA and Indian subcontinent Main competitors for our case now - Chilipiper, Calendly, Acuity The product - It is a sales scheduling tool for SaaS companies that can automate their inbound sales cycle without additional coding
    Benoit COLLET
    @sajal_agarwal1 hi! I'd work on the "how to": it's not clear what your product does and what do I need. It needs to take into account what people are using before choosing you. Do they have to change their forms or CRM? Do you integrate? Answering those questions straight on the website and adding some visuals from the product would help :)
    Hey there! My site is https://servetruly.com. I'm located in the US and it's a platform to help nonprofits and volunteers connect with each other. Our biggest competitor is probably https://www.virtuous.org/softwar.... Thanks :)
    Benoit COLLET
    @lgmartix13 hi and happy to answer! I'd develop content to explain for each feature the problem your prospects are facing usually, and how you answer those. For example I would develop an entire content on "Prospect Volunteers" with visuals from your software. Also, I would add some information about your company, your mission, a link to the LinkedIn and other social medias to show you're a trustworthy company.
    https://loadforge.com - would love any feedback :)
    Benoit COLLET
    @dave_rvn hi! Your value proposition is really clear and I love that you compare to your direct competitors. I'd add some logos and (if possible) pictures of the client on the "Trusted by businesses worldwide" section: yes, it's a tech solution for tech people, but we're missing some human trust. You need to gain trust from your prospect, so they need to trust your company. Some information about the company, your clients, or some legal mentions would be nice in the footer. You could also develop a page for each section: API load testing / Load test any web app / etc. and optimize for SEO with some use cases. What do you think?
    TC Wu
    https://www.databolt.ai/ - biggest competitor https://scale.com/rapid Looking forward to your insights @benoit_collet
    Benoit COLLET
    @jerichocaine117 hi! Wow I didn't even know about this kind of service! You actually explain pretty well what you do, however I miss two things: - content to understand use cases: who are your clients? Could you build pages for example "train AI" or "insurance externalization", etc.? - I don't know who you are. I see many company employees on LinkedIn, but the website could contain some storytelling, as well as some security information: you'd receive confidential images, we need more information before becoming a client. What do you think? Is that helpful?
    Carlos D'Elia
    Website: https://devconn.io Competitor: https://upwork.com We're mostly targeting early-stage startups in English-speaking nations and Europe.
    Stephen Black
    One of the biggest challenges of lead generation is responding to emails in a timely manner. A lot of communication can slip through the cracks, especially when you're trying to keep track of other projects. But every missed opportunity represents a loss of return on investment in lead generation. Instead of organizing a cluttered inbox or forwarding messages to the right person using an elementor portfolio template only to hear that they never tracked them, smart marketers use a single platform for all inbound and outbound messages.