Early Testers

Luis Schröder
0 replies
Hi, I'm Luis, a Developer from Germany. I'm launching my app, Myle, in a few weeks. When you are interested in my App you can sign up as an early tester here: https://tinted-seaplane-cb4.notion.site/16c93fc8858b802091ebf28ad51c3221?pvs=105 When you are an early tester, please give me feedback here: https://tinted-seaplane-cb4.notion.site/12a93fc8858b8026820dd172dffdb309?pvs=105 Myle is a Browser for Android that has many options to customize it. Website: https://tinted-seaplane-cb4.notion.site/Myle-the-Browser-that-Adapts-to-you-16b93fc8858b80e288d8ec1295c3bda3
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