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  • Eww! Moment in your life?

    Nayab ishfaq
    14 replies
    I found a spider in my salad at a picnic. I was like, “Surprise ingredient!” 🕷️🥗😂. That was definitely an "Eww" moment for me! Let's have a look at your's Eww Moment! 😂


    Rose Linda
    The time I went to a party and realized my shirt was inside out the whole time. Super cringe!
    Bailey Dotson
    Oh, I had one of those moments when I realized I’d been walking around with spinach stuck in my teeth all day. So embarrassing!
    Charlos Brat
    That awkward moment when I sent a message to the wrong person by mistake. Not my finest hour!
    Nora Roberts
    I remember getting a strange smell from my fridge because I left something in there too long. That was unpleasant!
    Kimberly West
    When I ate a sandwich and realized halfway through that the mayo had gone bad. The taste was just... yuck.
    Savannah Morris
    The moment I found out my favorite jeans had a hole in the most awkward place. Definitely a Eww! situation.
    Bashiri Abdullahi
    I was at the fancy dinner and realized too late that I had a huge spinach leaf stuck in my teeth. Not my finest moment.
    Luther Westover
    I once had a whole sandwich with a piece of plastic in it. I didn’t notice until i bit down and heard a crunch Talk about an unexpected texture
    Allen Deck
    My eee moment is when I walked into a public restroom only to find it covered in... well, let’s just say it was a disaster zone. I didn’t stick around for long! 🚽🤢
    Benedicta Anita
    I don't know if this is just an 'eeww' or a gross moment My cat was sick and when I wanted to give her some medicine, I sat her on my lap. What happened was that she threw up and the vomit went into my mouth, even my father who saw it threw up too. Honestly, I didn't vomit, I just took it out of my mouth and laughed at my father.
    Anthony Wright
    I am eating apple and it has a worm inside the apple
    Ibrahim yasir Suleiman
    One eww moment I’ve heard about from people is accidentally stepping into a puddle of mud or a sticky substance its such a gross surprise
    I send the wrong text "lovv you" to my client LOL
    Ayesha Mughal
    A real eww" moment for me would be when I once spilled a drink on myself right before an important meeting. It wasn’t just embarrassing but also sticky and uncomfortable the whole time. Definitely one of those days you just want to forget!