Exploring New Horizons: AI Pet Identification or AI Book Reading?

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Hey Product Hunt Community! πŸ‘‹ brainstorming our next project. We're currently torn between two fascinating realms: AI-powered Pet Identification and AI-Driven Book Reading. Both have their unique challenges and potentials. For pet lovers, imagine an app that not only recognizes your furry friend but also provides insights into their breed, health, and more. On the other hand, AI Book Reading could revolutionize how we consume literature, offering personalized reading experiences and interactive narratives. We'd love to hear from you – which of these ideas resonates more with you? Or maybe you have an entirely different direction in mind that you think we should explore? Your insights are incredibly valuable to us, as they could help shape our journey into a new and exciting venture. So, let's brainstorm together! Thank you for being a part of our decision-making process. πŸ™
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