Favorite hack to keep meetings short?
Sebastian Karges
6 replies
Jake Tital@jaketital
Clear objective of the meeting and a hard stop time.
Meteor Files
1. Having written down plan of the meeting
2. Do not hesitate to facilitate and cut on off-topics
3. Have separate participant in "facilitator" role
4. Write down meeting minutes along the call/meeting progress
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best is to not have meetings
In my opinion,it isn't real. No matter what I tried, nothing worked.
Hey there, Gurkaran!
As a tech-savvy individual with experience in various industries, it's great to see someone who values efficiency in meetings. One of my favorite hacks to keep meetings short is to set a clear agenda and time limit before starting. This helps to stay on track and avoid going off on tangents. Another trick is to encourage everyone to speak up early and prioritize important topics, so we don't end up getting caught up in unnecessary details. And of course, a well-timed joke or pun never hurts to lighten the mood and keep things moving swiftly.
Here's to keeping meetings concise and productive! Cheers!