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  • Formatting tips for posts and comments. Welcome to share yours!

    Derek Liu
    9 replies
    I’ve experimented with these formatting options, and they work well in both posts and comments. I hope you find them useful. Here’s a quick summary: 1. Bold: <b>Your text</b> 2. Italic: <i>Your text</i> 3. Strikethrough: <s>Your text</s> (not work for comments as spotted by @umar_saleem) 4. Link: <a href="[Your link]" target="_blank">[Your text]</a> 5. Image: <img src="[Your image url]" alt="[Your text]" style="max-width: 100%">   (Adding "alt" text helps screen reader users :D) 6. Use style attribute for font, color and more if you know what CSS is. Me working on Trangram (animated using Trangram)
    Image Example: Me working on Trangram (animated using Trangram)
    ⚠️⚠️⚠️ Please do not overuse these formats, and always be cautious when clicking on external links, especially if you’re unsure about the source.


    Derek Liu
    Seriously, no one else think the animation is adorable? I mean, just look at that cat's tail and ears!!!
    Derek Liu
    Image tips were inspired by @busmark_w_nika
    Udaya Sri
    I came here after your comment :D Thanks! I was really trying to figure out how to make my discussions more interesting with some formatting tools.
    Itohan blessing Eigbadon
    Love the alt text tip for images. Accessibility is important will start using it.
    Umar Saleem
    B2B Rocket
    B2B Rocket
    Launching soon!
    thank you for Sharing thank you for Sharing [Umar Saleem] Strikethrough seems to be not working, but this seems to be similar to the WA chat.
    Derek Liu
    @umar_saleem Strikethrough doesn't work in comment, but work in post, here is the example. Will update accordingly, thanks :)
    Willow Evangeline Harlow
    Totally agree that formatting is key! 🔑 Some tips I swear by: 1. Break up long paragraphs into bite-sized chunks 🍰 2. Use emojis to add personality 😀 3. Include images/screenshots to make posts pop 🖼 4. Add numbers or bullets to organize info 123 5. Don't forget to bold or italicize important bits 💪 Hope this helps someone out there! Let me know your go-to formatting tricks 👇