Has anyone not been featured for their launch, even when everything seemed fine?

Ramit Koul
29 replies
We launched today, but our launch was not featured from the start. We only got featured at the very end when the competition was extremely tough. Has anyone else faced a similar situation? Let's discuss and share our experiences. I'll summarize our discussion and feedback into a single post tomorrow after our current launch. This way, everyone can be better prepared and increase their chances of getting featured, avoiding the same fate many of us have encountered. Also, feel free to support my launch—it's still struggling to maintain a spot in the top 10.


Paul Richards
Did you reach out to their support?
Ramit Koul
@paul_richards1 Yes, the response was that it is chosen by the algorithm and can't be helped sort of.
Neeraj Kumar
I have seen this happening, I see that PH hold the authority to sort of show who will be on the Featured page. In my launch, we were fortunate to be on the Featured page throughout. Although, when we did our first launch. This wasn't the case, the featured page listing was based on your Upvote count, now I believe there are many factors involved Here is a discussion that I had found earlier before my launch: https://www.producthunt.com/disc...
Ramit Koul
@neeraj_kumar_n Totally agree. I too remember the time it it a simple upvote game but not anymore. Thanks for sharing your insight and this super helpful thread for everyone to refer before launch!
Ramit Koul
@neeraj_kumar_n If you like, can you checkout my launch and do support? 🙏 Only few hours remaining till it's over. https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Austin Armstrong
Yes, I totally had that exoerience with one of my products a few months back. We were supposed to be in the top 10 and the feature page but it wasn't shoing at all. We messaged the support team, got one response and then we never heard from them again
Ramit Koul
@austinarmstrong The exact same thing happened to me today. When we contacted team using mail, just got a vague response saying that the algorithm decides which products to show and which not. That was until with help of someone experienced here, I got featured by contacting them again.
Ramit Koul
@austinarmstrong Also Austin, I am long time supporter of Syllaby. Would be great if you and the team can support our launch, only few hours remaining to keep us in top 10.
Sabaat Parasad
This happened with one of my friend, he was so sad since he put so much efforts in it. And PH support did not responded to him except one message.
Ramit Koul
@sabaat_parasad I can totally feel it and it is too disappointing as well. In our case, even if it was too late, we still got lucky and figured something out that might have caused us not to feature. That's why I will drafting that as well in my next thread after my launch.
Ramit Koul
@sabaat_parasad Also, would be requesting you to do checkout my launch and support if you feel so 🙏 https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Fabian Maume
That is happening more and more. Getting at least 20 people to subscribe to your teasers seems to prevent the issue.
Ramit Koul
@fabian_maume I can not agree with this. We had 93 subscribed people for our teaser. Still, didn't got featured and it's not just our launch, I have been in contact with other peeps who had more than 150+ subscriptions and didn't got featured as well. It all depends on multiple factors decided by the algorithm.
Fabian Maume
@ramitkoul was it for initial launch or relaunch? Was it an info product?
Anh Ngo (Austin)
you mean even though you are in the top 10, you don't appear on the launch page of PH?
Ramit Koul
@ngohungtheanh Irrespective of how many upvotes you get, if the algorithm does not suits you fit, your launch won't be listed in any top list from the very start of the launch day.
Konrad S.
Just saw this recent post with recommendations to get featured: https://www.producthunt.com/disc...
Zekiye Nur Kesici
I've experienced similar issues with not getting featured during launch despite everything looking good. It's a challenging situation that requires persistence and community support to overcome.
Ramit Koul
@zekiye_nur_kesici Exactly, community support is a must and that's what made us rank #9 as well despite of all the odds.
My3 Murthy
This is disheartening! Witnessing this after months of work can be very discouraging. Thank you for sharing your experience- helps others like us out there. I have upvoted & will continue to support in anyway possible!
Ramit Koul
@my3_murthy Yes, it is sad but we still got featured as #9, all thanks to the support from community members like yours 🙏🙏
Ramit Koul
As promised, I have compiled everything into this discussion. Checkout: https://www.producthunt.com/disc...
Gurkaran Singh
Ah, the classic "fame at the finish line" scenario! It's like finally getting featured in the Oscars' after-party when all the celebrities have left. Who else has experienced this launch rollercoaster? Let's swap tales and support each other through the startup jungle gym!