Have you acquired paid customers from your Product Hunt launch?

Rupal Saini
18 replies


CY Zhou
Yes, we acquired several paid customers directly from our Product Hunt launch. It was a fantastic platform to showcase our product and gain initial traction.
In most of the cases, I haven't. But it has definitely helped in getting the initial traction.
Vhim Jana
Yes, we've acquired several paid customers from our Product Hunt launch! It was a fantastic way to gain visibility and attract engaged users who were genuinely interested in our product. How about you?
David Joshua
Yes, Product Hunt was a great launchpad for us! We acquired [number] paid customers directly from the launch, and the exposure generated valuable leads that converted later. Definitely recommend it for early-stage startup
Morgane Perrier
@david__joshua, I think you forgot to change [number] in your reply (unless you don't want to disclose this information).
Ethan Samuel
Launching on Product Hunt was a game-changer for us! We not only acquired paid customers but also received invaluable feedback and exposure. How about you?
Gaspard Dupuich
nope i did not pay to customers
Christian Ross
Product Hunt was more about brand building for us than immediate sales. We secured some great press coverage and connected with industry influencers. This exposure will undoubtedly pay off in the future as we build brand awareness and attract paying customers through other marketing channels.
Not gonna lie, getting a ton of paid customers from Product Hunt launch might be a unicorn sighting! But seriously, the launch was a success in terms of building awareness and buzz. We're still converting some early testers into paying customers, and we'd love for you to try it out too!
David Baker
We saw a great response on Product Hunt, but paid customers weren't the primary focus. We used the platform to showcase our value proposition, gather feedback, and connect with potential users. Many early adopters signed up for the free trial, and a good portion are converting to paid plans as they experience the benefits.
Parker Robert
It's still early days for us! While we didn't secure a ton of paying customers directly through our Product Hunt launch, the exposure and feedback were invaluable. We generated a lot of interest and leads, which we're nurturing through targeted outreach and demos. We're confident that Product Hunt will contribute to our long-term customer acquisition strategy.
NJ Robb
Launching soon!
We have spoken to many founders who have achieved top 5 of the day at a minimum. They have all acquired paid customers from their launch. Not always as much as they had hoped, but some have had the day 1 customers a few years later.
Aayushi Singh
Yes, PH also work best for visibility in the audience. 'Marketing on no cost and great feedbacks' you can say
Hazel Victoria Ashworth
We got some initial traction and a few paid users from our Product Hunt launch, but the real growth came in the weeks and months after as word of mouth spread. The key is to engage with the PH community, respond to comments and questions, and use the exposure to build relationships and drive ongoing interest in your product.
Gurkaran Singh
Oh, absolutely! Getting paid customers from a Product Hunt launch is like hitting the jackpot in the tech world – it's like finding a hidden Easter egg in your favorite video game! 🚀