Have you ever encountered errors when using speech to text transcription products?

Tiger L
4 replies
I mean speech-to-text transcription tools are handy, but they aren't always perfect. I remember once using a speech-to-text tool to transcribe a meeting, and it incorrectly transcribed "quarterly report" as "waterly report." It took a while to spot and fix the error. Have you had similar experiences with transcription tools?


Govi Chan
Hi @Tiger L., what a coincidence! I’m currently running a speech-to-text transcription product called SubEasy, and I can shed some light on the issues you’re facing. The errors might be due to the original speaker not being very clear, or because of heavy background noise that’s throwing off the recognition. The first issue is a bit tough to avoid, but our product uses contextual understanding to fix most of the transcription errors caused by unclear pronunciation. For the second issue, we’ve got a noise reduction feature that cleans up the audio before transcribing, which leads to much more accurate results. SubEasy, https://www.subeasy.ai/, is free to use every day and will be launching on Product Hunt soon! You’re welcome to try it out.
Tiger L
@tiger @govichan The contextual understanding feature is intriguing. Looking forward to SubEasy's launch on Product Hunt! I'll be sure to check it out.
Johanna John
I’ve definitely encountered issues with speech-to-text tools, especially when dealing with accents or background noise. It can be frustrating when the transcription doesn’t capture everything correctly.
Tiger L
@joha_nna_john Yes. Accents and noise can be real challenges and I have to spend extra time correcting the transcription.