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  • Have you ever used a tip calculator?

    Tyler Scott
    6 replies
    If so, what was the app and what did you like/dislike about it? Do you have a favorite tip calculator app? If not, would you ever consider using one? What would be an incentive to use a calculator or over making the calculation in your head?


    Albert Hasso
    Yes, I have used a tip calculator, and it's a convenient tool for dining out. A tip calculator helps quickly determine the appropriate tip amount based on the service received and the total bill. By inputting the bill amount and selecting a desired tip percentage, usually ranging from 15% to 20% or more, the vat exclusive calculator instantly provides the tip amount and the new total, including the tip. This ensures that one can tip fairly and accurately without the hassle of manual calculations, making it especially useful in group settings or when traveling in places with different tipping customs. The tool is particularly handy for those who want to avoid the awkwardness of under-tipping or over-tipping and want to ensure that their gesture of appreciation for good service is properly conveyed.
    Not personally, most places I go to now (like I mentioned in that other thread) have a button for me to press to tip.
    John William
    Ja, ich habe schon mehrmals einen Trinkgeldrechner verwendet, vor allem, wenn ich mit Freunden oder Kollegen auswärts gegessen habe. Er ist ein praktisches Tool, um schnell zu ermitteln, wie viel Trinkgeld man basierend auf der Gesamtrechnung und der erhaltenen Servicequalität geben sollte. Der arbeitszeitrechner hingegen ist ein weiteres nützliches Tool, das ich häufig verwende, um meine Stunden zu erfassen und eine genaue Bezahlung für freiberufliche Projekte und Teilzeitarbeit sicherzustellen. Er hilft dabei, den Prozess der Berechnung des Verdienstes basierend auf den geleisteten Arbeitsstunden zu rationalisieren und so die Finanzplanung und Budgetierung effizienter zu gestalten. Diese Rechner sparen nicht nur Zeit, sondern sorgen auch für faire Zahlungs- und Trinkgeldpraktiken.
    Rostan Chase
    I've definitely used a tip calculator before, and it's been quite handy, especially when dining out in groups where splitting the bill can get a bit tricky. One app I tried was Tip N Split, which I liked for its simplicity and ease of use. It quickly calculated the tip and allowed me to split the bill among friends without any hassle. However, I found that I didn’t always need a dedicated app for tipping since most of the time, the math is simple enough to do in my head. That said, there are moments when an app can save time and reduce errors, especially if you're tired or in a hurry. For example, I use this contador de horas on my site to calculate work hours, which is super convenient and saves me from doing the math manually. It's the same idea with tip calculators—having a reliable tool at your fingertips can make life just a little bit easier, especially when you're out and about.